P. 603
E4Q | Series E4Q.44 | Accessories E4Q.44
KMA mounting brackets | Attachment from any side | Pivoting
Note : The e-chains ® may end with either an inner or an outer side link. An outer 2 1 2 1
side link should always be the fi rst e-chain ® link at the moving end. Please specify 3 = 1 3 = 2
the index (for odd) or (for even) depending on an even or odd number of links 4 4
5 5
required. 6 7 8 9 6 7 8
E4Q.442.150.2.12.C.A2 Order example
to indicate option
with brackets pre-fi tted
.A .A1 .A2 .A3 .A4 C-profi le option
Full set, one end pivoting
Possible orientations for KMA mounting brackets. For mounting brackets pre-fi tted Even numbers of links
without C-profi le, please attach index .A . For types pre-fi tted with C-profi le
please attach index .A1, .A2, .A3 or .A4. width index
Strain relief e.g. clamps, tiewrap plates, nuggets and clips are available from stock. The complete
chainfi x range with ordering options From page 1392
Steel support tray for support of the lower run
● Simple one-piece support trays for the lower run
● To your requirements and specifi cation
● 4 options available
More information From page 1356
The E4Q series combines ease of installation with a new level of strength and stability
3D CAD, confi gurators, service life calculation and more 601
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