P. 70

Technical details | TH3

                          Legend            Opening   Chamber   Series /  Inner height  Inner width  Outer height Outer width
                          ● Standard        principle  design  product  hi [mm] +  from - to  ha [mm]  from - to
                          ❍ Suitable only to a limited extent       ≤ ø [mm]  Bi [mm]       Ba [mm]
                          ▲ Possible as an option                      ≤ ø
                                                                    hi              ha
                          ■ Especially suitable                        mm
                                                                              Bi              Ba
                               TH3 - e-chain  designed according to hygienic principles
                           Open design - easy to clean
                                                   2-segment  TH3.25.2/26  25.5 ø 23.4/18.4  70  35  86
                                                           TH3.45.2/20 2 x 20  ø 18  70  57   90

                                                   3-segment  TH3.25.3/26  25.5 ø 23.4/18.4  95  35  111
                                                           TH3.45.3/20 2 x 20  ø 18  95  57   115

                                                   4-segment  TH3.25.4/26* 25.5 ø 23.4/18.4  120  35  136
                                                           TH3.45.4/20* 2 x 20  ø 18  120  57  140

                                                   5-segment  TH3.25.5/26* 25.5 ø 23.4/18.4  145  35  161
                                                           TH3.45.5/20 2 x 20  ø 18  145  57  165

                          * Available upon request Delivery time upon request.

                          68  Find the perfect e-chain  quickly nder

                                                                                             05.06.23   18:18
                    02B)-ASEAN-QUICK-TECHNICAL DETAILS-2022.indd   68                        05.06.23   18:18
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