P. 74
Technical details | easy trifl ex | trifl ex ®
Legend Opening Series / Inner height Inner width Outer height Outer width Bend radius
● Standard principle product hi [mm] + from - to ha [mm] from - to from - to
❍ Suitable only to a limited extent ≤ ø [mm] Bi [mm] Ba [mm] R [mm]
▲ Possible as an option ≤ ø
hi ha R
■ Especially suitable mm
Bi Ba
easy triflex - for simple multi-axis applications, easy filling from both sides
e-chains | "easy" design, very easy to fi ll - simply press cables in
E332.25 25 ø 09 25 34 34 048 - 200
E332.32 32 ø 12 32 50 50 075 - 250
E332.50 50 ø 21 50 68 68 100 - 250
E332.75 75 ø 33 75 96 96 140 - 300
E333.25 25 ø 09 25 34 34 048 - 200
E333.32 32 ø 12 32 50 50 075 - 250
E333.50 50 ø 21 50 68 68 100 - 250
E333.75 75 ø 33 75 96 96 140 - 300
triflex - enclosed for simple multi-axis applications
e-tubes | Fully enclosed, non-openable - swarf protection
332.16 16 ø 14 16 26 26 038 - 100
332.32 32 ø 28 32 50 50 075 - 250
332.50 50 ø 45 50 68 68 100 - 250
332.75 75 ø 67 75 96 96 140 - 300
333.16 16 ø 14 16 26 26 038 - 100
333.32 32 ø 28 32 50 50 075 - 250
333.50 50 ø 45 50 68 68 100 - 250
333.75 75 ø 67 75 96 96 140 - 300
e-tubes | Fully enclosed, openable - swarf protection
352.50 50 ø 45 50 68 68 100 - 250
353.50 50 ø 45 50 68 68 100 - 250
72 Find the perfect e-chain quickly nder
05.06.23 18:18
02B)-ASEAN-QUICK-TECHNICAL DETAILS-2022.indd 72 05.06.23 18:18