P. 734

14240    E4/light | Series 14240·14340 | Further accessories
                                e-chain  with openable extender crossbars

                                                      mm          49.8
                                                      mm          62  161.4  180
                                                      mm          40.8
                                                 25  Bi - 50
                                                                  View from the
                                                    Ba = Bi + 26    fi xed end
                       Extender crossbars with flexible width | Safe guiding for large hoses
                       ●  For guiding and protecting large hoses
                       ●  With mounting for noise dampers
                       ●  Cable-friendly design, high crossbar holding force
                       ●  The openable extender crossbars can be fi tted in diff erent ways and combinations
                       ●  Optionally openable along the inner or outer radius

                       Versions                                 Hose  Part number  Part number
                       e-chain ®  with extender crossbar        Ø ≤ [mm]  crossbars every link crossbars every 2 nd  link
                          Extender crossbar and standard crossbar alternating along the inner and outer radius  1)  34  14240.XXXHB50.R.0  –
                          Extender crossbar on both sides along the inner and outer radius  2)  140  14240.XXXB50.R.0  14340.XXXB50.R.0  2)
                          Extender crossbar along the outer radius  3)  100  14240.XXXBE50.R.0  14340.XXXBE50.R.0 2)
                          Extender crossbar along the inner radius  2)  100  14240.XXXBZ50.R.0  14340.XXXBZ50.R.0 2)
                          Extender crossbar and standard crossbar alternating along the outer radius  3)  34  14240.XXXHBE50.R.0 –
                          Extender crossbar and standard crossbar alternating along inner radius  1)  34  14240.XXXHBZ50.R.0 –

                       1) Minimal bend radius: R 135  2) Minimal bend radius: R 150  3) Minimal bend radius: R 135
                       Bi [mm] Available inner widths
                       | 100   | 125   | 137   | 150   | 162   | 175   | 187   | 200   | 212   | 225   | 237   | 250   |
                       | 262   | 275   | 287   | 300   | 312   | 325   | 337   | 350   | 362   | 375   | 387   | 400   |
                        Part number with the width index XXX of the Bi and the radius (R) supplement e.g. 14240.10B50.150.0 = Bi 100 / e-chain ®
                        with crossbars every link / Extender crossbars from both sides along the inner and outer radius / Bend radius (R) 150

                                                                          The E4/light can be fi tted with openable
                                                                          extender crossbars, which increase
                                                                          the size of the interior of the e-chain ® .
                                                                          Crossbars can be fi tted in various ways:
                                                                          from one or both sides, alternating
                                                                          with standard crossbars and or any

                       732 More information

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