P. 802
e-skin fl at profi les | SKF | Introduction | Advantages
SKF.O openable:
replace cables quickly with a
special locking mechanism profi les -
e-skin fl at
IPA cleanroom Class 1:
virtually no wear or abrasion profi les SKF
The cable guides for automation systems
Modular structure: and robots in the manufacture of displays,
extendable by connecting semiconductors, and microelectronic
additional profi les components have to meet special particle-
free requirements. In contrast to commercially
available solutions using fi xed fl at ribbon cables
Optional support e-chain : with cables permanently welded inside, the
SKF12C series for unsupported e-skin fl at energy supply system off ers an
length and a defi ned bend radius openable chamber design. Flexible braided
cable elements (with or without connectors),
e-skin fl at with support chains, hoses and so
Mounting brackets: on, can now be changed or added in a few
stackable and variable width minutes.
with integrated strain relief ● Available in 2 versions: closed and openable
with a special closure system
● Modular and compact design
● Optional with support e-chain for longer
SKF.C fully enclosed: unsupported lengths
prevent particle ingress with ● Multi-layer model possible
closed cable chambers version ● Flexible, standard modular system, no
special production, short delivery times
● chainflex CFCLEAN cable offers high
reliability thanks to its balanced braided
Flexible: structure
can be shortened or widened ● Saving resources, as only individual elements
are replaced in case of damage
Revolutionise effi ciency ● Replaces customer-specifi c fl at ribbon cable
of the entire plant:
specially matched Typical industries and applications
chainfl ex CFCLEAN ● Cleanroom applications with compact
stranded structure installation spaces ● Short travels ● Display
More information and semiconductor production ● LCD/LED
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800 More information at
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