P. 836
E6.1 | Introduction | Advantages
Attachment from any side
with KMA mounting Dynamic,
quiet, light and
Fast assembly: cleanroom
crossbars removable
along the inner and suitable - E6.1
outer radius
The E6.1 series is a development of the E6
Low noise from series. It incorporates all the advantages of the
32dB(A) 1): E6 such as strength, cleanroom-compatibility
small pitch for low and low weight in addition to even quieter
noise, smooth running operation at higher maximum speeds. In
addition, its accessibility to the interior and the
assembly and handling have been improved.
Dynamic: ● Quiet - from a noise level of 32dB(A) 1)
high speeds and ● Weight savings approx. 30% compared to
accelerations the E6 system
● Highly dynamic
● Extremly low vibration
Long service life: ● Cleanroom-compatible due to principle of
low vibration, low-abrasion for connectors, without pin
high strength and bore connection
● Virtually no polygon eff ect, smooth rolling
IPA cleanroom Class 1 : ● Smooth interior design for a long lifetime for
virtually no wear cables and hoses
or abrasion ● Crossbars removable along the inner and
outer radius
● Option without camber (NC) simply by
Modular design: turning the inner link
can be easily lengthened 1) Extremely low-noise - tested at the igus ® lab Series E61.
and shortened 2) Cleanroom - E61. series
Typical industries and applications
● Semiconductor industry ● Studio equipment
and camera tracking systems ● Printer/plotter
industry ● In applications with extremely high
accelerations ● When noise reduction and a
Series E61.29 low level of abrasion are important
special feature:
crossbar openable
along inner and outer
radius, from both sides 32dB(A) 1) - level determined at the igus ®
test-lab, v = 1.0m/s unsupported, series
834 Explore the benefi ts
05.06.23 18:53
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