P. 839

E6.1 | Further advantages

                        Cleanroom qualifi cation of igus  system E6.1
                        e-chains ®
                        By using a special material, the already low abrasion behaviour of
                        the e-chain ®  can be reduced even further. In many applications
                        where cumbersome special solutions are required, a simple
                        standard e-chain ®  can be used instead. IPA tests confi rm that
                        the standard e-chains ®  from igus ®  meet the requirements in
                        cleanrooms and have been "Tested and certifi ed as very good!".
                        Cleanroom applications demand very high wear resistance
                        of moving parts. e-chains ® , for example, must be very wear-
                        resistant, in order to meet the normal requirements for such a
                        sensitive environment.

                                                               IPA Qualifi cation Certifi cate 2)  - Report IG 1303-640-1:
                                                               ISO Class 1, according to DIN EN ISO 14644-1 for system
                                                               E6.1, series E61. at v = 0.5m/s, 1m/s, 2m/s

                             Further information about igus  cleanroom e-chains  and the new, unique igus  cleanroom
                             laboratory for IPA cleanroom Class 1 components   From page 145
                        System E6.1 tests in the igus  lab

                          Weight [kg/m]  10  Weight reduction   Noise level dB(A)  50  Noise level

                           0.8                                    40
                           0.6                                    30
                           0.4                                    20
                           0.3       E6.29.100.R.0  T3.29.100.R.0  E61.29.100.R.0
                           0.2     E6.29   T3.29   E61.29         10    E61.29  1m/s  E6.29  1m/s  E61.29  2m/s  E6.29  2m/s

                        The E6.1 generation can take up higher accelerations, due to a   The results of the E61.29 series noise-measurement tests in the
                        weight reduction, making it a highly dynamic yet still extremely   igus ®  test laboratory showed noise levels below the already very
                        quiet e-chain ®                        low values for the E6.29 series. 32dB(A) - level determined at the
                                                               igus ®  test-lab, v = 1.0m/s unsupported, series E61.

                               3D CAD, confi gurators, service life calculation and more  837

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