P. 967
trifl ex R | Selection table
Series Inner width Outer width Bend radius Max. cable ø Pitch Links Page
Bi1 [mm] Bi2 [mm] Ba [mm] R [mm] d1 [mm] d2 [mm] [mm] per m
Series TRL -
light version of the d1 d1
easy to fi ll and cost-eff ective d1 Bi 1
TRL.30 2) 12.5 11 34.5 050 10 8 11.3 89 974
TRL.40 15 – 45 058 13 – 13.9 72 974
TRL.60 23 – 65 087 20.5 – 20.4 49 974
TRL.70 28 – 81 110 26 – 25.6 39 974
TRL.100 38 – 108 145 35.5 – 34.5 29 974
Series TRLF -
light version with snap- d1 d1
lock mechanism
lightweight and cost-eff ective d1 Bi
TRLF.65 24.4 – 70.2 100 22 – 23.1 44 976
TRLF.85 32.8 – 94.5 135 30 – 30.6 33 976
TRLF.100 37.5 – 108 145 35.5 – 34.4 29 976
TRLF.125 46.8 – 135 182 44.5 – 44.1 23 976
trifl ex R retraction system | Overview
Series System For trifl ex ® R For ø Index Page
trifl ex ® R trifl ex ® R e-chains ® [mm]
RS modular TRC·TRE 40 - 100 1010
retraction system
RSP pneumatic TRC·TRE·TRCF 60 - 125 1018
retraction system
RSE cost-eff ective TRC·TRE 40 - 50 1026
retraction system with defl ection
RSE·RSEC linear compact TRC·TRE·TRCF 40 - 100 1034
retraction system
RSEL*·RSSL cost-eff ective TRC·TRE·TRCF 60 - 100 1044
linear retraction system
3D CAD, confi gurators, service life calculation and more exR 965
14)-ASEAN-TRIFLEX-R-2022.indd 965 05.06.23 18:58
14)-ASEAN-TRIFLEX-R-2022.indd 965
05.06.23 18:58