P. 971

trifl ex  R | Series TRC | Product range                     TRC
                          d1  Bi 1       ®
                                  Robotic applications, closed, chip-repellent          978
                          d2  Bi 2


                        e-tubes | Series TRC | Totally enclosed, non-openable

                        Part No.         Bi1   Bi2    Ba     R     d1     d2    Pitch  Links  Weight
                        e-tubes          [mm]  [mm]   [mm]  [mm]   [mm]  [mm]   [mm]  per m  [kg/m]
                        TRC.30. 050.0    12    10    34.5   050    10     8     11.3   89    ≈ 0.27
                        TRC.40. 058.0    15    13     43    058    13     11    13.9   72    ≈ 0.37
                        TRC.50. 080.0   18.8   16.2   54    080    16.5   14    17.4   58    ≈ 0.59
                        TRC.60. 087.0   22.5   19.5   65    087    20.5  17.5   20.4   49    ≈ 0.85
                        TRC.70. 110.0    28    24     81    110    26     22    25.6   39    ≈ 1.32
                        TRC.85. 135.0    33    28    94.5   135    31     26    30.6   33    ≈ 1.75
                        TRC.100.145.0   37.5   32.5   108   145    35.5  30.5   34.5   29    ≈ 2.38
                        TRC.125.182.0   433.   433.   135   182    41    41  1)  44.1  23    ≈ 4.70

                          ESD version (Electro Static Discharge) available from stock. More information   From page 142
                        1) TRE.125 max. cable diameter Ø 41mm. Max. cable diameter changes to Ø 36mm when an already populated e-chain needs to be shortened or lengthened

                        Installation dimensions                                         Ba ø 135
                                                                          Ba ø 108
                                                              Ba ø 94.5                  ø 119
                                                    Ba ø 81                 ø 95
                                           Ba ø 65             ø 83
                                    Ba ø 54         ø 71.5
                         Ba ø 34.5  Ba ø 43  ø 47.7  ø 57                              43.3  Ø41
                               ø 38                                         37.5         mm
                         ø 30.5              22.5    28         33
                          12   15     18.8
                          10   13    16.2
                         TRC.30              19.5    24         28                          Ø36
                              TRC.40                                        32.5       43.3   2)
                                    TRC.50                                                  mm
                          ESD - many sizes from stock
                          ●  Standardised product made from igumid ®  ESD
                          ●  ESD material tested with over 10 million cycles for highest requirements
                            ● Short delivery times including mounting brackets and interior separation; 24hrs, from stock
                          More information and the complete product range
                           From page 142 or at
                               3D CAD, confi gurators, service life calculation and more exR  969

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