Page 27 - MiSUMi FA Mechanical Components Economy Series
P. 27

Returning Products

        Days to ship for stock products

        Same Day Shipping are available from Monday thru Thursday

           Stock Items     Cut-off  Ship Day   Delivery  Additional  Service Area  How to Request
             Delivery       time                 Day      Charge
                                                                                Available to change ship
                                                            Free                date to be order date
          Same Day Shipping  14:00  Same Day   Next Day   Shipping    All area  from WOS.
                                                                                (Web Ordering System)
                                               Day after    Free
           Standard Service  17:00  Next Day                          All area            -
                                               Next Day   Shipping

           Change of Order, Cancellatoin, Returning Products

        Changing or Canceling Orders

        MISUMI's cancellation policy varies depending on the published "days to ship"

        of our products, and may not be accepted.

        In addition, In-Stock items and Make-to Order items have different condition for
        acceptance. For detailed information, please refer to "Cancellation Policy"  on

        MISUMI WEB site.
        Returning Products

        Returning In-stock items may be accepted under certain circumstances.

        Returning Make-to-Order items is not allowed since they are manufactured
        specifically to your unique configuration.

        Please contact MISUMI Customer Service with any requests of changing or

        canceling your order and returing products.

            Registration   Technical Support  Sales Inquiry  Contact Us:
                                                             Tel:           (60)3 7960 8499
                                                             Operation Hour:  9am-6pm (Mon - Fri)
                                                                            9am-1pm (Sat)

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