Page 681 - MiSUMi FA Mechanical Components Economy Series
P. 681
How to create a Wire Diameter I.D. Tolerance How to create a Wire Diameter I.D. Tolerance
model Material Wire Diameter W Tolerance I.D. d (mm) model Material Wire Diameter W Tolerance I.D. d (mm)
112 ±0.65 48.7 ±0.36
118 50
125 51.5
2.65 ±0.09 132 53
140 ±0.9 54.5
150 56 ±0.44
18 ±0.17 58 14
19 60
20 61.5
21.2 63
22.4 65
23.6 ±0.22 67
25 69
26.5 71 ±0.53
28 73 Suction Cups / Valves Fittings / Tubes /
30 75
31.5 77.5
32.5 80
33.5 82.5
34.5 85
35.5 ±0.3 87.5
36.5 90
37.5 92.5
38.7 95
40 97.5 Fittings One-Touch
41.2 100 ±0.65
42.5 103
43.7 106
45 109
46.2 ±0.36 5.3 ±0.13 112 P.627
47.5 115
48.7 118
50 122
51.5 125
53 128 Miniature Swivel Joint Miniature Fitting/
54.5 132
56 ±0.44 136
58 140
60 145
61.5 150 ±0.9 P.650
1.Search this keyword 65 1.Search this keyword 160
Nitrile 67 Nitrile 165
o ring Rubber 3.55 ±0.1 69 o ring Rubber 170
2.Select Economy series Fluoro 71 ±0.53 2.Select Economy series Fluoro 175 Controllers Speed
Brand Rubber 73 Brand Rubber 180
Economy series 77.5 Economy series 190
80 195 P.655
82.5 200
85 206
87.5 212 ±1.2
90 218
92.5 224 Suction Cups
95 230 Tubes /
97.5 236
100 ±0.65 243
103 250
106 109 P.659
109 112 ±0.65
112 115
115 118
118 122
122 125 Generators Vacuum
125 128
128 132
132 136
136 140
140 145 ±0.9 P.665
145 ±0.9 150
150 155
155 160
160 7 ±0.15 165
165 170 Valves Solenoid
170 175
175 180
180 185
185 190
190 ±1.2 195 P.669
195 200
200 206
40 ±0.3 212
41.2 218 ±1.2
42.5 224 Valves Hand Switching
5.3 ±0.13 43.7 ±0.36 230
45 236
46.2 243
47.5 250 P.674
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