Page 933 - MiSUMi FA Mechanical Components Economy Series
P. 933
Economy Series
Instructions Cartridge Heaters
2Mounting Method
· Please minimize the installation clearance of
the heated metal block
When machining the metal block mounting holes, it
One side within 0.05mm
is recommended that the one-sided clearance is
0.05mm or less
Mounting Hole * The tightness between the heater and the object to be heated Heat Insulating Plates Heaters / Temperature Sensors /
(Reamed Hole) affects the life of the heater. Moreover, the large gap will
prolong the heating time and slow down the response speed of
temperature control. Drilled holes can also be used, but reamed
holes are recommended for all heater mounting holes.
* The service life of the heater will change greatly due to the
usage environment. Improper operating temperature, Heaters Cartridge
temperature adjustment methods, etc. may result in
disconnection within a short time period, so it is recommended P.929
to prepare a spare cartridge heater in advance.
Cartridge Heaters Sensors Temperature
2Example of Use Controllers Temperature
Heat Insulating
Cartridge Heaters
Cartridge Heaters
Metal Plate
Heating the water tank through metal plate Heating the press
2Precautions for use
Do not leave the heater dry heating in the air.
Please prevent the wire and insulator part of the heater from water and wet or damp area, otherwise it may
cause electrical leakage or short circuit.
The nickel bar at the root of the wire may break after repeated bending.
When taking out the heater from the heated object, please be sure to disconnect the power supply, and do
not touch the heater that has just been disconnected from the power supply.
Abnormal short ONĺOFF cycles will adversely affect the life of the heater, and it is recommended to use a
PID-controlled controller.
Do not use power supply with a voltage exceeding the rated voltage (V).