Page 962 - MiSUMi FA Mechanical Components Economy Series
P. 962

[Technical Data]
              SI (International System of Units)                         Excerpted from GB 3100—1993

           1. International System of Units(SI)and Usage.
             1-1. Scope of Application  This standard specifies how to use the International System of Units(SI) and other international unitary systems, as well as
                           units used in correlation with units from international systems, and other units which may be used.
             1-2. Terms and Defi nitions Terminology used in this specification and definitions thereof are as follows.
                 (1) International System of Units(SI)  Coherent system of units adopted and recommended by the International Committee on Weights and Measures.
                                 It contains base units and supplementary units, units derived from them and their integral exponents to the 10th power.
                 (2) SI Unit     Generic term used to describe base units, supplementary units or derived units of the International System of Units(SI).
                 (3) Base Unit    Those units are given in Table 1.
                 (4) Supplementary Units    Those supplementary units are given in Table 2.

                                               Table 1. Base Units
             Base Quantity   Unit    Symbol                        Defi nition
                                             A meter is the length of the path traveled by light in a vacuum during a time interval
            Length          Meter      m     of                           of a second.
                                               299  792  458
                                             A kilogram is a unit of mass (neither weight nor force), it is equal to the mass of the
            Mass           Kilogram    kg
                                             international prototype of the kilogram.
                                             Second is the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the
            Time            Second     s
                                             transition between the two hyperfi ne levels of the ground state of the cesium-133 atom
                                             An ampere is that constant current which, if maintained in two straight parallel conductors
            Current        Ampere      A     of infi nite length, of negligible circular cross-section, and placed 1 meter apart in a vacuum,
                                             would produce between these conductors a force equal to 2×10  Newton per meter of length.
            Thermodynamic   Kelvin     K     Kelvin, a unit of thermodynamic temperature, is the fraction                 of the
            Temperature                      thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water.  273.16
            Amount of                        A mole is the amount of substance of a system that contains as many elementary
            Substance       Mole      mol    particles(1) or aggregation of elementary particles as there are atoms in 0.012 kilogram
                                             of carbon 12 and when the mole is used, the elementary particles must be specifi ed.
                                             A candela is the luminous intensity, in a given direction, of a source that emits
            Luminance                        monochromatic radiation of frequency 540×10  hertz and that has a radiant
            Intensity      Candela     cd    intensity in that direction of             watt per steradian.
             Note( )  The elementary particles here must be atoms, molecules, ions, electrons or other particles.
                                            Table 2. Supplementary Units
             Base Quantity   Unit    Symbol                        Defi nition
                                             A radian is the plane angle between two radii of a circle that cuts off  an arc on the
              Plane Angle   Radian     rad
                                             circumference equal in length to the radius.
                                             A steradian is the solid angle which, having its vertex in the center of a sphere, cuts off  an area of the
              Solid Angle  Steradian   sr
                                             surface of the sphere equal to that of a square with sides equal in length to the radius of the sphere.
                 (5) Derived Units   The supplementary units algebraically expressed using mathematical symbols such as plus, minus, etc.
                               The SI derived units with special names and symbols are given in Table 3.
           Examples of SI Derived Units Expressed in Terms of Base Units  Table 3. SI Derived Units with Special Names and Symbols
                                 Base Quantity                          Base Quantity  Expression in Terms of Base
             Base Quantity                                                          Units or Supplementary
                                Name         Symbol        Base Quantity            Units, Supplementary Units
            Area         Square Meter          m 2                       Name   Symbol  or Other SI Units
            Volume       Cubic Meter           m 3       Frequency      Hertz    Hz  1 Hz  =1 s −1
            Velocity     Meter/Second          m/s       Force          Newton   N   1 N   =1 kg·m/s 2
            Acceleration  Meter/Second 2       m/s 2     Pressure, Stress  Pascal  Pa  1 Pa  =1 N/m 2
            Wave Number  Every Meter           m −1      Energy, Work, Heat Quantity  Joule  J  1 J   =1 N·m
            Density      Kilogram Every Cubic Meter  kg/m 3  Work Rate, Process Rate, Power, Electric Power  Watt  W  1 W  =1 J/s
            Current Density  Ampere Every Square Meter  A/m 2  Electric Charge, Quantity of Electricity  Coulomb  C  1 C   =1 A·s
            Magnetic Field Strength  Ampere Every Meter  A/m  Electric Potential, Potential Diff erence, Voltage, Electromotive Force  Volts  V  1 V   =1 J/C
            Concentration (of Substance)  Mole Every Cubic Meter  mol/m 3  Electrostatic Capacity, Capacitance  Farad  F  1 F   =1 C/V
            Specifi c Volume  Cubic Meter Every Kilogram  m /kg  Electric Resistance  Ohm  Ω  1 Ω   =1 V/A
            Luminance    Candela Every Square Meter  cd/m 2  Conductance  Siemens  S  1 S   =1 Ω
                                                         Magnetic Flux  Weber   Wb   1 Wb  =1 V·s
                                                         Magnetic Flux Density  Tesla  T  1 T   =1 Wb/m 2
                                                         Inductance     Henry    H   1 H   =1 Wb/A
                                                         Celsius Temperature  Degree Celsius  ˚C  1 t˚C  =(t+273.15)k
                                                         Luminous Flux  Lumen    lm  1 lm  =1 cd·sr
                                                         Illuminance    Lux      lx  1 lx   =1 lm/m 2
                                                         Radioactivity  Becquerel  Bq  1 Bq  =1 s −1
                                                         Absorbed Dose  Gray     Gy  1 Gy  =1 J/kg
      959                                                Dose Equivalent  Sievert  Sv  1 Sv  =1 J/kg
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