Page 193 - Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
P. 193

HS Code (HS 2012)   Product-  HS Code (HS 2012)                                          Product-
 Chapter  Heading  Subheading   Product Description   Specific Rule   Chapter  Heading  Subheading   Product Description   Specific Rule
 -  Telephone  sets,  including  telephones  for   consisting of a microphone and one or more
             cellular  networks  or  for  other  wireless      loudspeakers
 networks                            8518.40  - Audio-frequency electric amplifiers     CTSH      or
 CTSH   or                                                                              RVC40
         8517.11  -- Line telephone sets with cordless handsets
 RVC40                               8518.50  - Electric sound amplifier sets           CTSH      or
         8517.12   --  Telephones  for  cellular  networks  or  for  CTSH   or          RVC40
 other wireless networks   RVC40           8518.90  - Parts                             CTH       or
 CTSH   or                                                                              RVC40
         8517.18  -- Other
 RVC40                                                                                  CTH       or
 -  Other  apparatus  for  transmission  or       85.19       Sound recording or reproducing apparatus   RVC40
 reception  of  voice,  images  or  other  data,   Video  recording  or  reproducing  apparatus,  CTH   or
             including apparatus for communication in a          85.21       whether or not incorporating a video tuner   RVC40
 wired or wireless network (such as a local or   Parts and accessories suitable for use solely
 wide area network)         85.22             or principally with the apparatus of heading   CTH   or
 CTSH   or                                    85.19 or 85.21
         8517.61  -- Base stations
 RVC40                                        Discs, tapes, solid-state non-volatile storage
 --  Machines  for  the  reception,  conversion   devices, “smart cards” and other media for
 and  transmission  or  regeneration  of  voice,  CTSH   or   the  recording  of  sound  or  of  other
         8517.62                                                                        CTH       or
 images or other data, including switching and  RVC40       85.23       phenomena,  whether  or  not  recorded,
 routing apparatus                            including  matrices  and  masters  for  the   RVC40
         8517.69  -- Other   CTSH   or        production of discs, but excluding products of
 RVC40                                        Chapter 37
         8517.70  - Parts   CTH   or          Transmission    apparatus    for   radio-
 RVC40                                        broadcasting  or  television,  whether  or  not
 Microphones   and   stands   therefor;       85.25       incorporating reception apparatus or sound  CTH   or
 loudspeakers,  whether  or  not  mounted  in   recording   or   reproducing   apparatus;  RVC40
 their   enclosures;   headphones   and       television  cameras,  digital  cameras  and
 earphones, whether or not combined with a    video camera recorders
 microphone,  and  sets  consisting  of  a    Radar  apparatus,  radio  navigational  aid   CTH   or
 microphone and one or more loudspeakers;       85.26       apparatus   and   radio   remote   control   RVC40
 audio-frequency  electric  amplifiers;  electric   apparatus
 sound amplifier sets                         Reception apparatus for radio-broadcasting,
 CTSH   or                                    whether  or  not  combined,  in  the  same  CTH     or
         8518.10  - Microphones and stands therefor       85.27
 RVC40                                        housing,   with   sound   recording   or  RVC40
 - Loudspeakers, whether or not mounted in    reproducing apparatus or a clock

 their enclosures                             Monitors  and  projectors,  not  incorporating
         8518.21   --  Single  loudspeakers,  mounted  in  their  CTSH   or   television  reception  apparatus;  reception
 enclosures   RVC40         85.28             apparatus  for  television,  whether  or  not  CTH   or
 --  Multiple  loudspeakers,  mounted  in  the  CTSH   or   incorporating  radio-broadcast  receivers  or  RVC40
 same enclosure   RVC40                       sound  or  video  recording  or  reproducing
         8518.29  -- Other   CTSH   or        apparatus
 RVC40                                        Parts  suitable  for  use  solely  or  principally   CTH   or
         8518.30   -  Headphones  and  earphones,  whether  or  CTSH   or       85.29       with  the  apparatus  of  headings  85.25  to   RVC40
 not combined with a microphone, and sets  RVC40   85.28

 3A-137                                                  3A-138
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