Page 197 - Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
P. 197

HS Code (HS 2012)   Product-  HS Code (HS 2012)                                          Product-
 Chapter  Heading  Subheading   Product Description   Specific Rule   Chapter  Heading  Subheading   Product Description   Specific Rule
 numerical  control  apparatus,  other  than   - Television camera tubes; image converters  CTSH   or
 switching apparatus of heading 85.17           8540.20   and intensifiers; other photo-cathode tubes   RVC40
 Parts  suitable  for  use  solely  or  principally   - Data/graphic display tubes, monochrome;
     85.38       with the apparatus of heading 85.35, 85.36   CTH   or   data/graphic  display  tubes,  colour,  with  a  CTSH   or
 or 85.37   RVC40                    8540.40   phosphor dot screen pitch smaller than 0.4  RVC40
 Electric  filament  or  discharge  lamps,    mm
     85.39       including sealed beam lamp units and ultra-                            CTSH      or
 violet or infra-red lamps; arc-lamps           8540.60  - Other cathode-ray tubes      RVC40
 CTSH   or                                    -   Microwave    tubes   (for   example,
         8539.10  - Sealed beam lamp units
 RVC40                                        magnetrons,  klystrons,  travelling  wave
 - Other filament lamps, excluding ultra-violet   tubes,   carcinotrons),   excluding   grid-

 or infra-red lamps                           controlled tubes
 CTSH   or                                                                              CTSH      or
         8539.21  -- Tungsten halogen           8540.71  -- Magnetrons
 RVC40                                                                                  RVC40
 --  Other,  of  a  power  not  exceeding  200  W  CTSH   or                            CTSH      or
         8539.22                     8540.79  -- Other
 and for a voltage exceeding 100 V   RVC40                                              RVC40
 CTSH   or                                    - Other valves and tubes
         8539.29  -- Other
 RVC40                               8540.81  -- Receiver or amplifier valves and tubes   CTSH    or
             -  Discharge  lamps,  other  than  ultra-violet                            RVC40
 lamps                               8540.89  -- Other                                  CTSH      or
 CTSH   or                                                                              RVC40
         8539.31  -- Fluorescent, hot cathode
 RVC40                                        - Parts
         8539.32   --  Mercury  or  sodium  vapour  lamps;  metal  CTSH   or           8540.91  -- Of cathode-ray tubes   CTH   or
 halide lamps   RVC40                                                                   RVC40
         8539.39  -- Other   CTSH   or           8540.99  -- Other                      CTH       or
 RVC40                                                                                  RVC40
             - Ultra-violet or infra-red lamps; arc-lamps       Diodes,   transistors   and   similar
 CTSH   or                                    semiconductor   devices;   photosensitive
         8539.41  -- Arc-lamps
 RVC40                                        semiconductor      devices,     including
 CTSH   or                  85.41             photovoltaic cells whether or not assembled
         8539.49  -- Other
 RVC40                                        in  modules  or  made  up  into  panels;  light
 CTH   or                                     emitting  diodes;  mounted  piezo-electric
         8539.90  - Parts
 RVC40                                        crystals
 Thermionic,  cold  cathode  or  photo-cathode           8541.10   - Diodes, other than photosensitive or light  CTSH   or
 valves  and  tubes  (for  example,  vacuum  or   emitting diodes                       RVC40
     85.40       vapour  or  gas  filled  valves  and  tubes,                  -  Transistors,  other  than  photosensitive
 mercury  arc  rectifying  valves  and  tubes,   transistors
 cathode-ray tubes, television camera tubes)           8541.21  -- With a dissipation rate of less than 1 W   CTSH   or
             -  Cathode-ray  television  picture  tubes,                                RVC40
 including video monitor cathode-ray tubes           8541.29  -- Other                  CTSH      or

         8540.11  -- Colour   CTSH   or                                                 RVC40
 RVC40                               8541.30   -  Thyristors,  diacs  and  triacs,  other  than  CTSH   or
         8540.12  -- Monochrome   CTSH   or   photosensitive devices                    RVC40
 RVC40                                        -  Photosensitive  semiconductor  devices,  CTSH    or
                                              including  photovoltaic  cells  whether  or  not  RVC40

 3A-141                                                  3A-142
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