Page 22 - Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
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Article 2.12: Duty-Free Entry of Samples of No Commercial Value
Each Party shall grant duty-free entry to samples of no commercial
value, imported from the territory of another Party, subject to its laws and
regulations, regardless of their origin.
Article 2.13: Agricultural Export Subsidies
1. The Parties reaffirm their commitments made in the Ministerial
Decision of 19 December 2015 on Export Competition
(WT/MIN(15)/45, WT/L/980), adopted in Nairobi on 19 December
2015, including elimination of scheduled export subsidy
entitlements for agricultural goods.
2. The Parties share the objective of the multilateral elimination of
export subsidies for agricultural goods and shall work together to
prevent their reintroduction in any form.
Article 2.14: Transposition of Schedules of Tariff Commitments
Each Party shall ensure that the transposition of its Schedule in Annex I
(Schedules of Tariff Commitments), undertaken in order to implement
Annex I (Schedules of Tariff Commitments) in the nomenclature of the
revised HS following periodic amendments to the HS, is carried out
without impairing the tariff commitments set out in Annex I (Schedules of
Tariff Commitments).
Article 2.15: Modification of Concessions
In exceptional circumstances, where a Party faces unforeseen
difficulties in implementing its tariff commitments, that Party may, with
the agreement of all other interested Parties, and with the decision of the
RCEP Joint Committee, modify or withdraw a concession contained in
its Schedule in Annex I (Schedules of Tariff Commitments). In order to
seek to reach such agreement, the Party proposing to modify or
withdraw its concession shall inform the RCEP Joint Committee and
engage in negotiations with any interested Parties. In such negotiations,
the Party proposing to modify or withdraw its concession shall maintain
a level of reciprocal and mutually advantageous concessions no less
favourable to the trade of all other interested Parties than that provided
for in this Agreement prior to such negotiations, which may include
compensatory adjustments with respect to other goods. The mutually
agreed outcome of the negotiations, including any compensatory