Page 229 - Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
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(b) low rate of physical inspections and examinations, as Article 4.14: Risk Management
1. Each Party shall adopt or maintain a risk management system for
(c) rapid release time, as appropriate; customs control.
(d) deferred payment of duties, taxes, fees, and charges; 2. Each Party shall design and apply risk management in a manner
so as to avoid arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination, or disguised
(e) use of comprehensive guarantees or reduced guarantees; restrictions on international trade.
(f) a single customs declaration for all imports or exports in a 3. Each Party shall concentrate customs control and, to the extent
given period; and possible other relevant border controls, on high risk consignments
and expedite the release of low risk consignments. Each Party
(g) clearance of goods at the premises of the authorised may also select, on a random basis, consignments for such
operator or another place authorised by a customs controls as part of its risk management.
4. Each Party shall base risk management on the assessment of risk
4. Each Party is encouraged to develop authorised operator through appropriate selectivity criteria. Such selectivity criteria
schemes on the basis of international standards, where such may include, inter alia, HS code, nature and description of the
standards exist, except when such standards would be an goods, country of origin, country from which the goods were
inappropriate or ineffective means for the fulfilment of the shipped, value of the goods, compliance record of traders, and
legitimate objectives pursued. type of means of transport.
5. In order to enhance the trade facilitation measures provided to
operators, each Party shall afford to other Parties the possibility Article 4.15: Express Consignments
of negotiating mutual recognition of authorised operator schemes.
1. Each Party shall adopt or maintain customs procedures to
6. The Parties are encouraged to cooperate, where appropriate, in expedite the clearance of express consignments for at least those
developing their respective authorised operator schemes using goods entered through air cargo facilities while maintaining
the contact points designated pursuant to Article 4.20 appropriate customs control and selection, by:
(Consultations and Contact Points) and the Committee on Goods
through the following: (a) providing for pre-arrival processing of information related
to express consignments;
(a) exchanging information on such schemes and on initiatives
to introduce new schemes; (b) permitting, to the extent possible, the single submission of
information covering all goods contained in an express
(b) sharing perspectives on business views and experiences, consignment, through electronic means;
and best practices in business outreach;
(c) minimising the documentation required for the release of
(c) sharing information on approaches to mutual recognition of express consignments;
such schemes; and
(d) providing for express consignment to be released under
(d) considering ways to enhance the benefits of such schemes normal circumstances as rapidly as possible, and within six
to promote trade, and, in the first instance, to designate
customs officers as coordinators for authorised operators 5
In cases where a Party has an existing procedure that provides the treatment in this
to resolve customs issues. Article, this provision would not require that Party to introduce separate expedited
release procedures.
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