Page 225 - Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
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facts  and  circumstances,  on  which  the  ruling  is  based  remain   a Party to release a good if its requirements for release have not
 unchanged.    Subject  to  paragraph  8,  an  advance  ruling  shall   been met.
 remain valid for at least three years.
                       2.     Pursuant  to  paragraph  1,  each  Party  shall  adopt  or  maintain
 8.   Where  a  Party  revokes,  modifies,  or  invalidates  an  advance   procedures that allow goods to be cleared from customs within a
 ruling,  it  shall  promptly  provide  written  notice  to  the  applicant   period no longer than that required to ensure compliance with its
 setting out the relevant facts and the basis for its decision, where:   customs laws and regulations and, to the extent possible, within
                              48  hours  of  the  arrival  of  goods  and  lodgement  of  all  the
 (a)   there is a change in its laws, regulations, or administrative   necessary information for customs clearance.
                       3.     If  any  goods  are  selected  for  further  examination,  such  an
 (b)   incorrect information was provided or relevant information   examination shall be limited to what is reasonable and necessary,
 was withheld;                and undertaken and completed without undue delay.

 (c)   there is a change in a material fact or circumstances on   4.   Each  Party  shall  adopt  or  maintain  procedures  allowing  the
 which the advance ruling was based; or   release  of  goods,  prior  to  the  final  determination  of  customs
                              duties, taxes, fees, and charges if such determination is not done
 (d)   the advance ruling was in error.   prior to, or upon arrival or as rapidly as possible after arrival and
                              provided that all other regulatory requirements have been met.
 9.   Where a Party revokes, modifies, or invalidates an advance ruling   As a condition for such release, a Party may require a guarantee
 with  retroactive  effect,  it  may  only  do  so  where  the  ruling  was   in accordance with its laws and regulations that does not exceed
 based on incomplete, incorrect, false, or misleading information.   the  amount  the  Party  requires  to  ensure  payment  of  customs
                              duties,  taxes,  fees,  and  charges  ultimately  due  for  the  goods
 10.   An advance ruling issued by a Party shall be binding on that Party   covered by the guarantee.
 in respect of the applicant that sought it.
                       5.     Nothing in this Article shall affect the right of a Party to examine,
 11.   Each Party shall publish, at a minimum:   detain, seize or confiscate or deal with the goods in any manner
                              consistent with its laws and regulations.
 (a)   the requirements for an application for an advance ruling,
 including the information to be provided and the format;   6.   With  a  view  to  preventing  avoidable  loss  or  deterioration  of
                              perishable goods, and provided that all regulatory requirements
 (b)   the time period by which it will issue an advance ruling; and   have  been  met,  each  Party  shall  provide  for  the  release  of
                              perishable goods from customs control:
 (c)   the length of time for which an advance ruling is valid.
                              (a)    under normal circumstances in the shortest possible time,
 12.   Each  Party  may  make  publicly  available  any  information  on   and to the extent possible in less than six hours after the
 advance rulings which it considers to be of significant interest to   arrival  of  the  goods  and  submission  of  the  information
 other interested parties, taking into account the need to protect   required for release; and
 commercially confidential information.
                              (b)    in exceptional circumstances where it would be appropriate
                                     to  do  so,  outside  the  business  hours  of  its  customs
 Article 4.11: Release of Goods      authority.

 1.   Each Party shall adopt or maintain simplified customs procedures   7.   Each  Party  shall  give  appropriate  priority  to  perishable  goods
 for the efficient release of goods in order to facilitate trade among   when scheduling any examinations that may be required.
 the Parties.  For greater certainty, this paragraph shall not require

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