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upon arrival.                (a)    specify the information required to apply for an advance
 2.   Each Party shall provide, as appropriate, for advance lodging of
 documents and other information referred to in paragraph 1 in   (b)   provide that each Party may at any time during the course
 electronic format for pre-arrival processing of such documents.   of an evaluation of an application for an advance ruling,
                                     request that the applicant provide additional information,
                                     which may include a sample of the goods, necessary to
 Article 4.10: Advance Rulings       evaluate the application;

 1.   Each Party shall, prior to the importation of a good from a Party   (c)   ensure that an advance ruling be based on the facts and
 into  its  territory,  issue  a  written  advance  ruling  to  an  importer,   circumstances presented by the applicant and any other
 exporter,  or  any  person  with  a  justifiable  cause,  or  a   relevant  information  in  the  possession  of  the  decision-
 representative  thereof,  who  has  submitted  a  written  request   maker; and
 containing all necessary information, with regard to:
                              (d)    ensure that the advance ruling includes the relevant facts
 (a)   tariff classification;        and the basis for its decision.

 (b)   whether the good is an originating good in accordance with   4.   Each Party shall issue an advance ruling in the official language
 Chapter 3 (Rules of Origin);    of the issuing Party or in the language it decides.  The advance
                              ruling shall be issued in a reasonable, specified, and time-bound
 (c)   the  appropriate  method  or  criteria,  and  the  application   manner, and to the extent possible within 90 days, to the applicant
 thereof,  to  be  used  for  determining  the  customs  value   on  the  receipt  of  all  necessary  information.    Each  Party  shall
 under  a  particular  set  of  facts,  in  accordance  with  the   specify and make public such time period for the issuance of an
 Customs Valuation Agreement; and   advance ruling prior to such an application.  Should the customs
                              authority have reasonable grounds to issue the advance ruling
 (d)   such other matters as the Parties may agree.   later than the specified period after the receipt of the application,
                              it shall notify the applicant of the grounds for such a delay prior to
 2.   A Party may require that an applicant have legal representation   the end of the specified period.
 or  registration  in  that  Party.    To  the  extent  possible,  such
 requirements shall not restrict the categories of persons eligible   5.   A Party may decline to issue an advance ruling if the facts and
 to apply for advance rulings, with particular consideration for the   circumstances  forming  the  basis  of  the  advance  ruling  are  the
 specific  needs  of  small  and  medium  enterprises.    These   subject of administrative or judicial review.  A Party that declines
 requirements shall be clear and transparent and not constitute a   to issue an advance ruling shall promptly notify the applicant in
 means of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination. 2, 3    writing,  setting  forth  the  relevant  facts,  circumstances,  and  the
                              basis for its decision to decline to issue the advance ruling.
 3.   Each  Party  shall  adopt  or  maintain  procedures  for  issuing
 advance rulings which:   6.   A  Party  may  reject  a  request  for  an  advance  ruling  where  the
                              additional information requested, in writing, in accordance with
                              subparagraph 3(b) is not provided within a reasonable, specified
                              period,  which  is  determined  at  the  time  of  the  request  for
 2  On request of a Party, the Parties may review the requirements of this paragraph in   additional  information  and  the  Party  requests  the  additional
 terms  of  their  contribution  towards  the  trade  facilitation  through  the  Committee  on   information from the applicant in writing.
                       7.     Each Party shall provide that an advance ruling shall be valid from
 3  Each Party shall ensure that its registration process is transparent, applications are
 considered  in  a  timely  manner,  and  the  decision  made  on  an  application,  and  the   the  date  it  is  issued,  or  another  date  specified  in  the  ruling,
 reasons for it, are promptly advised to the applicant in writing.   provided that the laws, regulations, and administrative rules, and

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