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2.   In particular, each Party shall make available, and update to the   Article 4.6: Enquiry Points
 extent  possible  and  as  appropriate,  the  following  through  the
 internet:             Each  Party  shall  designate  one  or  more  enquiry  points  to  answer
                       reasonable enquiries of interested persons concerning customs matters
 (a)   a  description   of  its  procedures  for  importation,   and to facilitate access to forms and documents required for importation,
 exportation, and transit, including procedures for appeal or   exportation, and transit.
 review,  that  informs  governments,  traders,  and  other
 interested  persons  of  the  practical  steps  needed  for
 importation, exportation, and transit;   Article 4.7: Customs Procedures

 (b)   the  forms  and  documents  required  for  importation  into,   1.   Each  Party  shall  ensure  that  its  customs  procedures  and
 exportation  from,  or  transit  through  the  territory  of  that   practices  are  predictable,  consistent,  and  transparent,  and
 Party; and                   facilitate  trade,  including  through  the  expeditious  clearance  of
 (c)   contact  information  for  the  enquiry  points  as  well  as
 information on how to make enquiries on customs matters   2.   Each  Party  shall  ensure  that  its  customs  procedures,  where
 as provided for in Article 4.6 (Enquiry Points).   possible  and  to  the  extent  permitted  by  its  customs  laws  and
                              regulations,  conform  with  the  standards  and  recommended
 3.   To  the  extent  possible,  when  developing  new,  or  amending   practices of the World Customs Organization.
 existing, customs laws and regulations, each Party shall publish,
 or  otherwise  make  readily  available  such  proposed  new  or   3.   The  customs  authority  of  each  Party  shall  review  its  customs
 amended customs laws and regulations and provide a reasonable   procedures with a view to simplifying such procedures to facilitate
 opportunity for interested persons to comment on the proposed   trade.
 customs  laws  and  regulations,  unless  such  advance  notice  is
                       Article 4.8: Preshipment Inspection
 4.   Each  Party  shall,  to  the  extent  practicable  and  in  a  manner
 consistent with its laws and regulations and legal system, ensure   1.   Each Party shall not require the use of preshipment inspections
 that new or amended laws and regulations of general application   in relation to tariff classification and customs valuation.
 related  to  the  movement,  release,  and  clearance  of  goods,
 including goods in transit, are published or information on them is   2.   Without prejudice to the rights of any Party to use other types of
 otherwise made publicly available, as early as possible before the   preshipment inspection not covered by paragraph 1, each Party
 date of their entry into force, in order to enable traders and other   is  encouraged  not  to  introduce  or  apply  new  requirements
 interested persons to become acquainted with them.   regarding their use.

 5.   Nothing  in  this  Article  shall  be  construed  as  requiring  the   3.    Paragraph  2  refers  to  preshipment  inspections  covered  by  the
 publication or provision of information other than in the language   Preshipment  Inspection  Agreement,  and  does  not  preclude
 of the Party.                preshipment inspections for sanitary and phytosanitary purposes.

                       Article 4.9: Pre-arrival Processing

                       1.     Each Party shall adopt or maintain procedures allowing for the
                              submission of documents and other information required for the

 1   Each  Party  has  the  discretion  to  state  on  its  website  the  legal  limitations  of  this   importation  of  goods,  in  order  to  begin  processing  prior  to  the
 description.                 arrival of goods with a view to expediting the release of goods

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