Page 283 - Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
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                              (a)    the margins of dumping established, an explanation of the
 2.   After the importing Party’s investigating authorities initiate an anti-  basis upon which normal values and export prices were
 dumping or countervailing duty investigation, on request of the   established,  and  of  the  methodology  used  in  the
 exporting  Party,  the  importing  Party  transmits  to  the  exporting   comparison  of  the  export  prices  and  normal  values
 Party’s embassy located in the importing Party or the exporting   including any adjustments; and
 Party’s  competent  authorities  written  information  regarding  the
 importing  Party’s  procedures  for  requesting  its  authorities  to   (b)   information relevant to the injury determination, including
 consider  a  price  undertaking,  including  the  time  frames  for   information  concerning  the  volume  and  the  effect  of  the
 offering and concluding any such undertaking.   dumped imports on prices in the domestic market for like
                                     goods, the detailed methodology used in the calculations
 3.   In  an  anti-dumping  investigation,  where  the  importing  Party’s   of  price  undercutting,  the  consequent  impact  of  the
 investigating  authorities  have  made  a  preliminary  affirmative   dumped  imports  on  the  domestic  industry,  and  the
 determination of dumping and injury caused by such dumping, the   demonstration  of  a  causal  relationship  including  the
 importing  Party  affords  due  consideration,  and  provides  an   examination of factors other than the dumped imports as
 opportunity for consultations, to exporters of the exporting Party   referred to in paragraph 5 of Article 3 of the AD Agreement.
 regarding  the  proposed  price  undertaking  which,  if  accepted,
 results  in  suspension  of  the  investigation  without  imposition  of   7.   The public notice or the separate report sets forth the reasons for
 anti-dumping  duties,  through  the  means  provided  for  in  the   the acceptance or rejection of relevant arguments or claims made
 importing Party’s laws, regulations, and procedures.   by the exporters and importers referred to in subparagraph 2.2 of
                              Article  12  of  the  AD  Agreement  in  sufficient  detail  to  permit  a
 4.   In a countervailing duty investigation, where the importing Party’s   reasonable  understanding  of  the  investigating  authorities’
 investigating  authorities  have  made  a  preliminary  affirmative   reasons for the acceptance or rejection and to allow the exporters
 determination  of  subsidisation  and  injury  caused  by  such   and  importers  to  assess  whether  the  investigating  authorities’
 subsidisation, the importing Party affords due consideration, and   treatment of those arguments or claims were consistent with laws
 provides an opportunity for consultations, to the exporting Party   and regulations of the Party of the investigating authorities, and
 and its exporters, regarding the proposed undertaking which, if   the WTO Agreement.
 accepted,  results  in  suspension  of  the  investigation  without
 imposition of countervailing duties, through the means provided
 for in the importing Party’s laws, regulations, and procedures.

 Public Notice and Explanation of Determination

 5.   When  a  public  notice  of  final  determination  referred  to  in
 paragraph 2 of Article 12 of the AD Agreement is given, the public
 notice sets forth, or otherwise make available through a separate
 report, in sufficient detail, the findings and conclusions reached
 on  all  issues  of  fact  and  law  considered  material  by  the
 investigating authorities.  Such findings and conclusions included
 in  the  public  notice  or  the  separate  report  also  include  the
 rationale behind the findings and conclusions of the investigating

 6.   For the purposes of paragraph 5 and subject to the protection of
 confidential information, the public notice or the separate report
 contains in particular:

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