Page 337 - Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
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Article 19: Unbundling of Network Elements   legitimate public policy objective and is not prepared, adopted, or
                              applied in a manner that creates unnecessary obstacles to trade.
 Each Party shall endeavour to ensure that a major supplier in its territory
 offers access to network elements on an unbundled basis on terms and
 conditions that are reasonable, non-discriminatory, and transparent for   Article 22: International Mobile Roaming
 the  supply  of  public  telecommunications  services.   A  Party  may
 determine  the  network  elements  required  to  be  made  available  in  its   1.   The  Parties  shall  endeavour  to  cooperate  on  promoting
 territory,  and  the  suppliers  that  may  obtain  those  elements,  in   transparent and reasonable rates for international mobile roaming
 accordance with its laws and regulations.    services that can help promote the growth of trade among the
                              Parties and enhance consumer welfare.

 Article 20: Access to Poles, Ducts, and Conduits   2.   A Party may take steps to enhance transparency and competition
                              with respect to international mobile roaming services, such as:
 1.   Each Party shall endeavour to ensure that a major supplier in its
 territory provides access to poles, ducts, conduits, or any other   (a)   ensuring  that  information  regarding  retail  rates  is  easily
 structures as determined by the Party, owned or controlled by the   accessible to consumers; and
 major supplier, to suppliers of public telecommunications services
 of another Party in the Party’s territory, on a timely basis, and on   (b)   minimising impediments to roaming, whereby consumers
 terms  and  conditions  and  at  rates  that  are  reasonable,  non-  when visiting the territory of a Party from the territory of
 discriminatory, and transparent, subject to technical feasibility.   another  Party  can  access  telecommunications  services
                                     using the device of their choice.
 2.   A  Party  may  determine,  in  accordance  with  its  laws  and
 regulations, the poles, ducts, conduits, or any other structures to   3.   The Parties recognise that a Party, where it has the authority to
 which it requires major suppliers in its territory to provide access   do  so,  may  choose  to  promote  competition  with  respect  to
 in  accordance  with  paragraph  1.    When  the  Party  makes  this   international mobile roaming rates including through commercial
 determination,  it  shall  take  into  account  factors  such  as  the   arrangements, or to adopt or maintain measures affecting rates
 competitive effect of lack of such access, whether such structures   for wholesale or retail international roaming services with a view
 can  be  substituted  in  an  economically  or  technically  feasible   to ensuring that the rates are reasonable.  If a Party considers it
 manner  in  order  to  provide  a  competitive  service,  or  other   appropriate, it may cooperate on and implement mechanisms with
 specified public interest factors.   other Parties to facilitate the implementation of those measures,
                              including by entering into arrangements with those Parties.

 Article 21: Flexibility in the Choice of Technology   4.   If  a  Party  (hereinafter  referred  to  as  “the  first  Party”  in  this
                              paragraph) chooses to regulate rates or conditions for wholesale
 1.   A Party shall not prevent suppliers of public telecommunications   or retail international mobile roaming services, it shall ensure that
 networks  or  services  from  having  the  flexibility  to  choose  the   a supplier of public telecommunications services of another Party
 technologies that they use to supply their services.   (hereinafter referred to as “the second Party” in this paragraph)
                              has access to the regulated rates or conditions for wholesale or
 2.   Notwithstanding paragraph 1, a Party may apply a measure that   retail  international  mobile  roaming  services  for  its  customers
 limits   the   technologies   that   a   supplier   of   public   roaming in the territory of the first Party if the second Party has
 telecommunications networks or services may use to supply its   entered  into  an  arrangement  with  the  first  Party  to  reciprocally
 services,  provided  that  the  measure  is  designed  to  achieve  a   regulate rates or conditions for wholesale or retail international

 11  For greater certainty, consistent with Article 3 (Approaches to Regulation), a Party
 may determine the manner in which it implements its obligations under this Article.

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