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(g)   social  security,  public  retirement,  superannuation,   Article 10.11: Compensation for Losses
 compulsory  savings  schemes,  or  other  arrangements  to
 provide pension or similar retirement benefits;   Each Party shall accord to investors of another Party, and their covered
                       investments, with respect to measures it adopts or maintains relating to
 (h)   severance entitlement of employees; and   losses suffered by investments in its territory owing to armed conflict,
                       civil strife, or state of emergency, treatment no less favourable than that
 (i)   requirements  to  register  and  satisfy  other  formalities   it accords, in like circumstances, to:
 imposed by the central bank and other relevant authorities
 of that Party.               (a)    its own investors and their investments; and

 4.   Nothing in this Chapter shall affect the rights and obligations of a   (b)   investors  of  any  other  Party  or  non-Party,  and  their
 Party  as  a  member  of  the  IMF  under  the  IMF  Articles  of   investments.
 Agreement as may be amended, including the use of exchange
 actions which are in conformity with the IMF Articles of Agreement
 as may be amended, provided that the Party shall not impose   Article 10.12: Subrogation
 restrictions  on  any  capital  transactions  inconsistently  with  the
 obligations  under  this  Chapter  regarding  such  transactions,   1.   If a Party, or an agency designated by a Party, makes a payment
 except under Article 17.15 (Measures to Safeguard the Balance   to  an  investor  of  that  Party  under  a  guarantee,  a  contract  of
 of Payments) or on request of the IMF.   insurance or other form of indemnity that it has granted in respect
                              of a covered investment, the other Party in whose territory the
                              covered investment was made shall recognise the subrogation or
 Article 10.10: Special Formalities and Disclosure of Information   transfer  of  any  right  or  claim  in  respect  of  such  covered
                              investment.  The subrogated or transferred right or claim shall not
 1.   Nothing in Article 10.3 (National Treatment) shall be construed to   be greater than the original right or claim of the investor.
 prevent  a  Party  from  adopting  or  maintaining  a  measure  that
 prescribes  special  formalities  in  connection  with  covered   2.   Where a Party or an agency designated by a Party has made a
 investments, including a requirement that covered investments be   payment to an investor of that Party and has taken over any right
 legally  constituted  under  its  laws  or  regulations,  provided  that   or claim of the investor, that investor shall not pursue that right or
 such formalities do not materially impair the protections afforded   claim  against  the  other  Party  in  whose  territory  the  covered
 by  that  Party  to  investors  of  another  Party  and  covered   investment was made, unless that investor is authorised to act on
 investments pursuant to this Chapter.   behalf of the Party making the payment or the agency designated
                              by that Party.
 2.   Notwithstanding Article 10.3 (National Treatment) and Article 10.4
 (Most-Favoured-Nation  Treatment),  a  Party  may  require  an   3.   In the exercise of subrogated or transferred right or claim, a Party
 investor  of  another  Party  or  its  covered  investment  to  provide   or an agency designated by a Party exercising such right or claim
 information concerning that investment solely for informational or   shall  disclose  the  coverage  of  the  claims  arrangement  with  its
 statistical  purposes.    The  Party  shall  protect,  to  the  extent   investors to the relevant Party.
 possible, any confidential information which has been provided
 from  any  disclosure  that  would  prejudice  the  legitimate
 commercial interests or the competitive position of the investor or   Article 10.13: Expropriation
 the  covered  investment.    Nothing  in  this  paragraph  shall  be
 construed  to  prevent  a  Party  from  otherwise  obtaining  or   1.   No Party shall expropriate or nationalise a covered investment
 disclosing information in connection with the equitable and good   either directly or through measures equivalent to expropriation or
 faith application of its laws and regulations.

                       25  This Article shall be interpreted in accordance with Annex 10B (Expropriation).

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