Page 451 - Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
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2.   The Parties shall explore and undertake economic and technical   in  this  Agreement  and  the  needs  identified  by  committees
 cooperation  activities,  including  capacity  building  and  technical   established pursuant to Chapter 18 (Institutional Provisions).
 assistance that focus on the following:
                       2.     To  encourage  effective  implementation  and  utilisation  of  this
 (a)   trade in goods;        Agreement, in the work programme the Parties will give priority to
                              activities that:
 (b)   trade in services;
                              (a)    provide  capacity  building  and  technical  assistance  to
 (c)   investment;                   developing country Parties and Least Developed Country
 (d)   intellectual property;
                              (b)    increase public awareness;
 (e)   electronic commerce;
                              (c)    enhance access to information for businesses; and
 (f)   competition;
                              (d)    other activities as may be agreed upon among the Parties.
 (g)   small and medium enterprises; and
                       3.     The Parties may, when necessary and as may be agreed, modify
 (h)   other matters, as agreed upon among the Parties.   the work programme.

 Article 15.4: Resources   Article 15.6: Least Developed Country Parties which are Member
                       States of ASEAN
 1.   Resources  for  economic  and  technical  cooperation  under  this
 Chapter  shall  be  provided  voluntarily  and  in  a  manner  that  is   The Parties shall take into consideration specific constraints faced by
 agreed upon among the relevant Parties, taking into account the   Least Developed Country Parties which are Member States of ASEAN.
 objectives set out in Article 15.2 (Objectives).   Appropriate capacity building and technical assistance, as agreed upon
                       by the Party or Parties contributing such assistance and the Party or
 2.   The  Parties,  on  the  basis  of  mutual  benefit,  may  consider   Parties seeking such assistance, shall be provided to help these Parties
 cooperation with, and contribution from:   implement their obligations and take advantage of the benefits of this
 (a)    non-Parties; or

 (b)    sub-regional,  regional,  or  international  organisations  or   Article 15.7: Non-Application of Dispute Settlement
                       Dispute settlement mechanisms in this Agreement shall not apply to any
 that are interested in developing mutually beneficial cooperation   matter arising under this Chapter.
 and  partnerships,  to  support  the  implementation  of  the  work

 Article 15.5: Work Programme

 1.   In accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 15.2 (Objectives), the
 Parties  shall  develop  the  work  programme  taking  into
 consideration the economic and technical cooperation provisions

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