Page 463 - Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
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Article 17.8: Confidentiality   A  decision  by  a  competent  authority,  including  a  foreign  investment
                       authority, of a Party 3, 4  on whether or not to approve or admit a foreign
 Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, where a Party provides
 information  to  another  Party  in  accordance  with  this  Agreement  and   3
                        For the purposes of this Article, “a competent authority, including a foreign investment
 designates the information as confidential, the other Party shall, subject   authority” means, as of the date of entry into force of this Agreement:
 to its laws and regulations, maintain the confidentiality of the information.
                       (a)    for Australia, the Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Australia under Australia’s
                              Foreign  Investment  Framework  including  the  Foreign  Acquisitions  and
 Article 17.9: Measures against Corruption   Takeovers Act 1975 (Commonwealth), and any amendments thereto;
                         (b)   for Cambodia, the Council for the Development of Cambodia designated under
 1.   Each Party shall, in accordance with its laws and regulations, take   the following laws and regulations, and any amendments thereto:
 appropriate  measures  to  prevent  and  combat  corruption  with
 respect to any matter covered by this Agreement.   (i)   Royal Kram No. 03/NS/94 dated 5 August 1994 promulgating Law on
                                   Investment of the Kingdom of Cambodia;
 2.   No Party shall have recourse to dispute settlement under Chapter     (ii)   Royal Kram No. NS/RKM/0303/009 dated 24 March 2003 promulgating
 19 (Dispute Settlement) for any matter arising under this Article.   Law on the Amendment of the Law on Investment of the Kingdom of

 Article 17.10: Convention on Biological Diversity    (iii)   Sub-Decree  No.  88/ANK/BK  dated  29  December  1997  on  the
                                   Implementation of the Law on Investment of the Kingdom of Cambodia;
 Each Party affirms its rights and responsibilities under the Convention   (iv)   Sub-Decree  No.  111  ANK/BK  dated  27  September  2005  on  the
 on Biological Diversity done at Rio de Janeiro on 5 June 1992.   Implementation of the Law on the Amendment of the Law on Investment
                                   of the Kingdom of Cambodia; and

 Article 17.11: Screening Regime and Dispute Settlement   (v)   Sub-Decree  No.  148.ANK.BK  dated  29  December  2005  on  the
                                   Establishment and Management of Special Economic Zones;

                       (c)    for  China,  the  authorities  responsible  for  granting  approval  of  foreign
                              investment for sectors requiring governmental approval under the relevant laws
                              and regulations including Foreign Investment Law of the People’s Republic of
                              China (Adopted on 15 March 2019), and any amendments thereto;

                       (d)    for Indonesia, a competent authority including a foreign investment authority
                              designated under  the Law  Number  25  Year  2007  on  Investment  and  other
                              relevant laws, regulations, and policies, as may be amended;

                       (e)    for  Korea,  the  competent  authorities  as  listed  in  the  Foreign  Investment
                              Promotion Act (Law No. 16479, 20 August 2019), the Enforcement Decree of
                              the  Foreign  Investment  Promotion  Act  (Presidential  Decree  No.  29172,  18
                              September  2018),  the  Regulations  on  Foreign  Investment  (Notice  of  the
                              Ministry  of  Trade,  Industry,  and  Energy,  No.  2018-137,  6  July  2018),  the
                              Consolidated Public Notice for Foreign Investment (No. 2018-191, 27 February
                              2018, Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy), and the Act on Prevention of
                              Divulgence and Protection of Industrial Technology (Law No. 16476, 20 August
                              2019), and any amendments thereto;

                       (f)    for  Lao  PDR,  the  Ministry  of  Planning  and  Investment  under  the  Law  on
                              Investment  Promotion  (Law  No.  14,  dated  17  November  2016),  and  any
                              amendments thereto, and the Ministry of Industry and Commerce under the
                              Law  on  Enterprise  (Law  No.  46,  dated  26  December  2013),  and  any
                              amendments thereto;

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