Page 467 - Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
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(i)   relating  to  fissionable  and  fusionable  materials  or   (b)   to the extent that Article 10.9 (Transfers) grants rights or
 the materials from which they are derived;   imposes  obligations  with  respect  to  such  taxation
 (ii)   relating  to  the  traffic  in  arms,  ammunition  and
 implements of war and to such traffic in other goods   4.   Nothing in this Agreement shall affect the rights and obligations
 and materials, or relating to the supply of services,   of  any  Party  under  any  tax  convention.    In  the  event  of  any
 as carried on directly or indirectly for the purpose of   inconsistency  relating  to  taxation  measures  between  this
 supplying or provisioning a military establishment;   Agreement and any such tax convention, the latter shall prevail.

 (iii)   taken so as to protect critical public infrastructures    5.   Nothing in this Agreement shall oblige a Party to extend to any
 including  communications,  power,  and  water   other Party the benefit of any treatment, preference, or privilege
 infrastructures;             arising from any existing or future tax convention by which the
                              Party is bound.
 (iv)   taken in time of national emergency or war or other
 emergency in international relations; or
                       Article 17.15: Measures to Safeguard the Balance of Payments
 (c)   to prevent any Party from taking any action in pursuance
 of its obligations under the United Nations Charter for the   1.   Where a Party is in serious balance of payments and external
 maintenance of international peace and security.   financial difficulties or under threat thereof, it may:

                              (a)    in the case of trade in goods, adopt or maintain restrictive
 Article 17.14: Taxation Measures    import measures in accordance with GATT 1994 and the
                                     Understanding on the Balance-of-Payments Provisions;
 1.   For the purposes of this Article:
                              (b)    in  the  case  of  trade  in  services,  adopt  or  maintain
 (a)   tax convention means an agreement for the avoidance of   restrictions on trade in services on which it has undertaken
 double taxation or other international taxation agreement   commitments,  including  on  payments  or  transfers  for
 or arrangement; and                 transactions related to such commitments.

 (b)   taxes and taxation measures do not include any import   2.   In the case of investments, where a Party is in serious balance of
 or customs duties.           payments  and  external  financial  difficulties  or  under  threat
                              thereof,  or  where,  in  exceptional  circumstances,  payments  or
 2.   Except as provided in this Article, nothing in this Agreement shall   transfers  relating  to  capital  movements  cause  or  threaten  to
 apply to taxation measures.   cause serious difficulties for macroeconomic management, it may
                              adopt or maintain restrictions on payments or transfers related to
 3.   This Agreement shall only grant rights or impose obligations with   covered investments as defined in Article 10.1 (Definitions).
 respect to taxation measures:
                       3.     Restrictions adopted or maintained under subparagraph 1(b) or
 (a)   to  the  extent  that  the  WTO  Agreement  grants  rights  or   paragraph 2 shall:
 imposes  obligations  with  respect  to  such  taxation
 measures;                    (a)    be consistent with the IMF Articles of Agreement as may
                                     be amended;

                              (b)    avoid unnecessary damage to the commercial, economic,
 7  For greater certainty, this includes critical public infrastructures whether publicly or   and financial interests of any other Party;
 privately owned.

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