Page 471 - Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
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CHAPTER 18                   (f)    to  supervise  and  coordinate  the  work  of  all  subsidiary
                              (g)    to consider and take any decisions on issues referred to it
                                     by any subsidiary body;
 Article 18.1: Meetings of the RCEP Ministers
                              (h)    to restructure, reorganise, or dissolve any subsidiary body,
 1.   The Ministers of the RCEP (hereinafter referred to as the “RCEP   if necessary;
 Ministers” in this Chapter) shall meet within one year of the date
 of entry into force of this Agreement, and every year thereafter   (i)   to establish and thereafter supervise an RCEP Secretariat,
 unless  the  Parties  agree  otherwise,  to  consider  any  matter   on terms agreed by the Parties, to provide secretariat and
 relating to this Agreement.         technical  support  to  the  RCEP  Joint  Committee  and  its
                                     subsidiary bodies;
 2.   The  RCEP  Ministers  shall  take  decisions  on  any  matter  by
 consensus.                   (j)    to hold dialogue forums on topics to be agreed by Parties,
                                     which may include participation from the business sector,
                                     experts,    academia,     and    other    stakeholders,    as
 Article 18.2: Establishment of the RCEP Joint Committee   appropriate; and

 The Parties hereby establish an RCEP Joint Committee consisting of   (k)   to carry out any other function as the Parties may agree.
 senior officials designated by each Party.
                       2.     The RCEP Joint Committee shall report to the RCEP Ministers
                              and may, as appropriate, refer matters to the RCEP Ministers for
 Article 18.3: Functions of the RCEP Joint Committee   consideration and decision.

 1.   The functions of the RCEP Joint Committee shall be as follows:
                       Article 18.4: Rules of Procedure of the RCEP Joint Committee
 (a)   to consider any matter relating to the implementation and
 operation of this Agreement;   1.   The RCEP Joint Committee shall take decisions on any matter by
 (b)   to consider any proposal to amend this Agreement;
                       2.     The RCEP Joint Committee shall establish its rules of procedure
 (c)   to  discuss  differences  that  may  arise  regarding  the   at its first meeting.
 interpretation or application of this Agreement and to issue
 interpretations  of  the  provisions  of  this  Agreement  as  it
 may deem appropriate and necessary;   Article 18.5: Meetings of the RCEP Joint Committee

 (d)   to seek expert advice on any matter within its functions;   1.   The RCEP Joint Committee shall meet within one year of the date
                              of entry into force of this Agreement and prior to the first meeting
 (e)   to refer matters, assign tasks, or delegate functions to any
 subsidiary  body  established  pursuant  to  Article  18.6
 (Subsidiary  Bodies  of  the  RCEP  Joint  Committee)
 (hereinafter  referred  to  as  “subsidiary  body”  in  this   1  The RCEP Joint Committee shall be deemed to have taken a decision by consensus
 Chapter);             if no Party present at the meeting when the decision is taken objects to the proposed
                       decision.  In case a Party is absent from the meeting, the decision shall be circulated
                       to that Party for it to consider the decision, seek clarification where required, and that
                       Party may convey its acknowledgement within 14 days of the circulation of the decision.

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