Page 469 - Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
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(c)   not exceed those necessary to deal with the circumstances   Article 17.16: Treaty of Waitangi
 described in subparagraph 1(b) or paragraph 2;
                       1.     Provided that such measures are not used as a means of arbitrary
 (d)   be  temporary  and  be  phased  out  progressively  as  the   or unjustified discrimination against persons of the other Parties
 situation  specified  in  subparagraph  1(b)  or  paragraph  2   or as a disguised restriction on trade in goods, trade in services
 improves; and                and  investment,  nothing  in  this  Agreement  shall  preclude  the
                              adoption  by  New  Zealand  of  measures  it  deems  necessary  to
 (e)   be applied on a non-discriminatory basis such that no Party   accord more favourable treatment to Māori in respect of matters
 is treated less favourably than any other Party or a non-  covered by this Agreement, including in fulfilment of its obligations
 Party.                       under the Treaty of Waitangi.

 4.   With respect to trade in services and investment:   2.   The Parties agree that the interpretation of the Treaty of Waitangi,
                              including  as  to  the  nature  of  the  rights  and  obligations  arising
 (a)   it is recognised that particular pressures on the balance of   under it, shall not be subject to the dispute settlement provisions
 payments  of  a  Party  in  the  process  of  economic   of  this  Agreement.    Chapter  19  (Dispute  Settlement)  shall
 development or economic transition may necessitate the   otherwise apply to this Article.  A panel established under Article
 use of restrictions to ensure, inter alia, the maintenance of   19.11  (Establishment  and  Reconvening  of  a  Panel)  may  be
 a  level  of  financial  reserves  adequate  for  the   requested to determine only whether any measure referred to in
 implementation   of   its   programme   of   economic   paragraph  1  is  inconsistent  with  a  Party’s  rights  under  this
 development or economic transition;   Agreement.

 (b)   in determining the incidence of such restrictions, a Party
 may  give  priority  to  economic  sectors  which  are  more
 essential  to  its  economic  or  development  programmes.
 However,  such  restrictions  shall  not  be  adopted  or
 maintained  for  the  purposes  of  protecting  a  particular

 5.   Any restriction adopted or maintained by a Party under paragraph
 1 or 2, or any change thereto, shall be notified promptly to the
 other Parties.

 6.   A Party adopting or maintaining any restriction under paragraph
 1 or 2 shall:

 (a)   in the case of investments, respond to any other Party that
 requests  consultations  in  relation  to  the  restrictions
 adopted by it, if such consultations are not otherwise taking
 place outside this Agreement;

 (b)   in  the  case  of  trade  in  services,  promptly  commence
 consultations  with  any  other  Party  that  requests
 consultations in relation to the restrictions adopted by it, if
 such consultations are not taking place at the WTO.

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