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4.   Subject to the protection of confidential information, each Party to   3.   Within 10 days of the date of the receipt of the request for the
 the dispute shall make available to each Third Party its written   establishment of a panel made pursuant to paragraph 1 of Article
 submissions, written versions of its oral statements, and its written   19.8 (Request for Establishment of a Panel), the Parties to the
 responses to questions, made prior to the issuance of the interim   dispute  shall  enter  into  consultations  with  a  view  to  reaching
 report, at the time such submissions, statements, and responses   agreement on the procedures for composing the panel, taking into
 are submitted to the panel.   account the factual, technical, and legal aspects of the dispute.
                              Any  such  procedures  agreed  upon  shall  also  be  used  for  the
 5.   A Third Party shall have the right to:   purposes of paragraphs 15 and 16.

 (a)   subject  to  the  protection  of  confidential  information,  be   4.   If the Parties to the dispute are unable to reach agreement on the
 present at the first and second hearings of the panel with   procedures for composing the panel within 20 days of the date of
 the  Parties  to  the  dispute  prior  to  the  issuance  of  the   the receipt of the request for the establishment of a panel made
 interim report;              pursuant  to  paragraph  1  of  Article  19.8  (Request  for
                              Establishment of a Panel), any Party to the dispute may at any
 (b)   make  at  least  one  written  submission  prior  to  the  first   time thereafter notify the other Party to the dispute that it wishes
 hearing;                     to use the procedures set out in paragraphs 5 through 7.  Where
                              such  a  notification  is  made,  the  panel  shall  be  composed  in
 (c)   make  an  oral  statement  to  the  panel  and  respond  to   accordance with paragraphs 5 through 7.
 questions  from  the  panel  during  a  session  of  the  first
 hearing set aside for that purpose; and   5.   The Complaining Party shall appoint one panellist within 10 days
                              of  the  date  of  the  receipt  of  the  notification  made  pursuant  to
 (d)   respond in writing to any questions from the panel directed   paragraph 4.  The Responding Party shall appoint one panellist
 to the Third Parties.        within 20 days of the date of the receipt of the notification made
                              pursuant to paragraph 4.  A Party to the dispute shall notify the
 6.   If a Third Party provides any submissions or other documents to   appointment of its panellist to the other Party to the dispute.
 the panel, it shall simultaneously provide them to the Parties to
 the dispute and the other Third Parties.   6.   Following the appointment of the panellists in accordance with
                              paragraph  5,  the  Parties  to  the  dispute  shall  agree  on  the
 7.   A panel may, with the agreement of the Parties to the dispute,   appointment of the third panellist who shall serve as the chair of
 grant  additional  or  supplemental  rights  to  any  Third  Party   the panel.  To assist in reaching such agreement, each Party to
 regarding its participation in panel proceedings.   the dispute may provide to the other Party to the dispute a list of
                              up to three nominees for the chair of the panel.

 Article 19.11: Establishment and Reconvening of a Panel   7.   If any panellist has not been appointed within 35 days of the date
                              of the receipt of the notification made pursuant to paragraph 4,
 1.   Where  a  request  for  the  establishment  of  a  panel  is  made   any Party to the dispute, within a further period of 25 days, may
 pursuant  to  paragraph  1  of  Article  19.8  (Request  for   request the Director-General of the WTO to appoint the remaining
 Establishment  of  a  Panel),  a  panel  shall  be  established  in   panellists within 30 days of the date of such request.  Any list of
 accordance with this Article.   nominees which was provided under paragraph 6 shall also be
                              provided to the Director-General of the WTO, and may be used in
 2.   Unless the Parties to the dispute agree otherwise, the panel shall   making the required appointments.
 consist of three panellists.  All appointments and nominations of
 panellists under this Article shall conform with the requirements   8.   If  the  Director-General  of  the  WTO  notifies  the  Parties  to  the
 referred to in paragraphs 10 and 13.   dispute  that  he  or  she  is  unavailable,  or  does  not  appoint  the
                              remaining  panellists  within  30  days  of  the  date  of  the  request
                              made  pursuant  to  paragraph  7,  any  Party  to  the  dispute  may

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