Page 489 - Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
P. 489

(i)   reply to the request for consultations in accordance   Article 19.9: Procedures for Multiple Complainants
 with   subparagraph   5(a)   of   Article   19.6
 (Consultations); or   1.     Where  more  than  one  Party  requests  the  establishment  or
                              reconvening of a panel relating to the same matter, a single panel
 (ii)   enter  into  consultations  in  accordance  with   should be established or reconvened to examine the complaints
 paragraph 6 of Article 19.6 (Consultations); or    relating to that matter whenever feasible.

 (b)   the consultations fail to resolve a dispute within:   2.   The single panel shall organise its examination and present its
                              findings and determinations to the Parties to the disputes in such
 (i)   20  days  after  the  date  of  the  Responding  Party’s   a manner that the rights which the Parties to the disputes would
 receipt  of  the  request  for  consultations  made   have enjoyed had separate panels examined the complaints are
 pursuant  to  paragraph  1  of  Article  19.6   in no way impaired.
 (Consultations) in cases of urgency including those
 which concern perishable goods; or   3.   If more than one panel is established or reconvened to examine
                              the  complaints  relating  to  the  same  matter,  the  Parties  to  the
 (ii)   60  days  after  the  date  of  the  Responding  Party’s   disputes  shall  endeavour  to  ensure  that  the  same  individuals
 receipt  of  the  request  for  consultations  made   serve as panellists on each of the separate panels.  The panels
 pursuant  to  paragraph  1  of  Article  19.6   shall consult with each other and the Parties to the disputes to
 (Consultations) regarding any other matter.   ensure, to the greatest extent possible, that the timetables for the
                              panels’ processes are harmonised.
 2.   A  request  for  the  establishment  of  a  panel  made  pursuant  to
 paragraph  1  shall  identify  the  specific  measures  at  issue  and
 provide details of the factual and legal basis for the complaint,   Article 19.10: Third Parties
 including  the  relevant  provisions  of  this  Agreement,  to  be
 addressed by the panel, sufficient to present the problem clearly.   1.   The  interests  of  the  Parties  to  the  dispute  and  those  of  other
                              Parties shall be fully taken into account during the panel process.
 3.   The Complaining Party shall simultaneously provide a copy of the
 request  for  the  establishment  of  a  panel  made  pursuant  to   2.   Any Party having a substantial interest in a matter before a panel
 paragraph 1 to the other Parties.   may notify the Parties to the dispute of its interest no later than 10
                              days after the date of the request made pursuant to:
 4.   The Responding Party shall immediately acknowledge its receipt
 of the request for the establishment of a panel made pursuant to   (a)   paragraph 1 of Article 19.8 (Request for Establishment of
 paragraph  1,  by  way  of  notification  to  the  Complaining  Party,   a Panel); or
 indicating the date on which the request was received, otherwise
 the date when the request was made shall be deemed to be the   (b)   paragraph 1 of Article 19.16 (Compliance Review); or
 date  of  the  Responding  Party’s  receipt  of  the  request.    The
 Responding  Party  shall  simultaneously  provide  a  copy  of  the   (c)   paragraph  13  of  Article  19.17  (Compensation  and
 notification to the other Parties.   Suspension of Concessions or Other Obligations).

 5.   Where  a  request  for  the  establishment  of  a  panel  is  made   The  notifying  Party  shall  simultaneously  provide  a  copy  of  the
 pursuant  to  paragraph  1,  a  panel  shall  be  established  in   notification to the other Parties.
 accordance with Article 19.11 (Establishment and Reconvening
 of a Panel).          3.     Any Party notifying its substantial interest pursuant to paragraph
                              2 shall have the rights and obligations of a Third Party.

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