Page 503 - Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
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Article 19.16: Compliance Review
                              (b)    its findings on the facts of the case arising under this Article
 1.   Where the Parties to the dispute disagree on the existence or   and on the applicability of the provisions of this Agreement;
 consistency with this Agreement of any measure taken to comply
 with  the  obligation  under  paragraph  1  of  Article  19.15   (c)   its determinations on the existence or consistency with this
 (Implementation of the Final Report), such dispute shall be settled   Agreement  of  any  measure  taken  to  comply  with  the
 through  recourse  to  a  panel  reconvened  for  this  purpose   obligation  under  paragraph  1  of  Article  19.15
 (hereinafter  referred  to  as  “Compliance  Review  Panel”  in  this   (Implementation of the Final Report); and
 Chapter).  The Complaining Party may request the reconvening
 of  a  Compliance  Review  Panel  by  way  of  notification  to  the   (d)   its reasons for its findings and determinations referred to
 Responding Party.  The Complaining Party shall simultaneously   in subparagraphs (b) and (c).
 provide a copy of the request to the other Parties.
                       5.     Where a request is made pursuant to paragraph 1, a Compliance
 2.   The request referred to in paragraph 1 may only be made after   Review Panel shall reconvene within 15 days of the date of the
 the earlier of either:       request.  The Compliance Review Panel shall, where possible,
                              issue its interim report to the Parties to the dispute within 90 days
 (a)   the expiry of the reasonable period of time established in   of  the  date  of  its  reconvening,  and  its  final  report  30  days
 accordance with Article 19.15 (Implementation of the Final   thereafter.    If  the  Compliance  Review  Panel  considers  that  it
 Report); or                  cannot issue either report within the relevant period of time, it shall
                              notify  the  Parties  to  the  dispute  of  the  reasons  for  the  delay
 (b)   a  notification  to  the  Complaining  Party  made  by  the   together with an estimate of the period of time within which it will
 Responding  Party  pursuant  to  subparagraph  2(a)  or   issue the report.
 paragraph 7 of Article 19.15 (Implementation of the Final
 Report)  that  it  has  complied  with  the  obligation  under   6.   The period of time from the date of the request made pursuant to
 paragraph 1 of Article 19.15 (Implementation of the Final   paragraph 1 until the date of issuance of the final report of the
 Report).                     Compliance Review Panel shall not exceed 150 days.

 3.   A Compliance Review Panel shall make an objective assessment
 of the matter before it, including an objective assessment of:   Article  19.17:  Compensation  and  Suspension  of  Concessions  or
                       Other Obligations
 (a)   the factual aspects of any action taken by the Responding
 Party to comply with the obligation under paragraph 1 of   1.   Compensation  and  the  suspension  of  concessions  or  other
 Article 19.15 (Implementation of the Final Report); and   obligations are temporary measures available in the event that
                              the Responding Party does not comply with the obligation under
 (b)   the existence or consistency with this Agreement of any   paragraph 1 of Article 19.15 (Implementation of the Final Report)
 measure taken by the Responding Party to comply with the   within  the  reasonable  period  of  time.    However,  neither
 obligation  under  paragraph  1  of  Article  19.15   compensation  nor  the  suspension  of  concessions  or  other
 (Implementation of the Final Report).   obligations is preferred to compliance with the obligation under
                              paragraph 1 of Article 19.15 (Implementation of the Final Report).
 4.   The Compliance Review Panel shall set out in its report:   Compensation  is  voluntary  and,  if  granted,  shall  be  consistent
                              with this Agreement.
 (a)   a  descriptive  section  summarising  the  arguments  of  the
 Parties to the dispute and Third Parties;   2.   Where any of the following circumstances exists:

                              (a)    the Responding Party has notified the Complaining Party
 4  For greater certainty, consultations under Article 19.6 (Consultations) are not required
 for the procedures under this Article.   that it does not intend to comply with the obligation under

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