Page 511 - Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
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it is necessary to amend this Agreement, unless otherwise provided in   legal procedures.  The instrument of ratification, acceptance, or
 this Agreement.              approval  of  a  signatory  State  shall  be  deposited  with  the

 Article 20.4: Amendments   2.   This Agreement shall enter into force for those signatory States
                              that have deposited their instrument of ratification, acceptance, or
 The  Parties  may  agree,  in  writing,  to  amend  this  Agreement.    An   approval, 60 days after the date on which at least six signatory
 amendment shall enter into force 60 days after the date on which all   States which are Member States of ASEAN and three signatory
 Parties have notified the Depositary in writing of the completion of their   States other than Member States of ASEAN have deposited their
 respective  applicable  legal  procedures,  or  on  such  other  date  as  the   instrument  of  ratification,  acceptance,  or  approval  with  the
 Parties may agree.           Depositary.

                       3.     After  the  date  of  entry  into  force  of  this  Agreement,  this
 Article 20.5: Depositary     Agreement shall enter into force for any other signatory State 60
                              days after the date on which it has deposited its instrument of
 1.   This Agreement, and any amendment thereto, shall be deposited   ratification, acceptance, or approval with the Depositary.
 with the Secretary-General of ASEAN who is designated as the
 Depositary  for  this  Agreement.    The  Depositary  shall  promptly
 provide a certified copy of the original text of this Agreement, and   Article 20.7: Withdrawal
 any amendment thereto, to each signatory State and acceding
 State or separate customs territory.   1.   Any Party may withdraw from this Agreement by providing written
                              notice of its withdrawal to the Depositary.
 2.   The  Depositary  shall  promptly  notify  each  signatory  State  and
 acceding State or separate customs territory, and provide them   2.   A  Party’s  withdrawal  from  this  Agreement  shall  take  effect  six
 with the date and a copy, of:   months after the date on which that Party provides written notice
                              to the Depositary under paragraph 1, unless the Parties agree on
 (a)   notifications  under  Article  20.4  (Amendments)  and   a  different  period.    If  a  Party  withdraws,  this  Agreement  shall
 subparagraph 4(b) of Article 20.9 (Accession);   remain in force for the remaining Parties.

 (b)   the deposit of an instrument of ratification, acceptance, or
 approval under Article 20.6 (Entry into Force);   Article 20.8: General Review

 (c)   a notice of withdrawal under paragraph 1 of Article 20.7   1.   The Parties shall undertake a general review of this Agreement
 (Withdrawal);                with a view to updating and enhancing this Agreement to ensure
                              that this Agreement remains relevant to the trade and investment
 (d)   a request to accede to this Agreement under paragraph 2   issues and challenges confronting the Parties, five years after the
 of Article 20.9 (Accession); and   date of entry into force of this Agreement, and every five years
                              thereafter, unless the Parties agree otherwise.
 (e)   the  deposit  of  an  instrument  of  accession  under  Article
 20.9 (Accession).     2.     In conducting a review pursuant to this Article, the Parties shall:

                              (a)    consider  ways  to  further  enhance  trade  and  investment
 Article 20.6: Entry into Force      among the Parties; and

 1.   This  Agreement  shall  be  subject  to  ratification,  acceptance,  or   (b)   take into account:
 approval by each signatory State in accordance with its applicable

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