Page 38 - TwinPalms Residences : MONTAZURE
P. 38


                                                        Is there a guaranteed return offered?                                                                                                                                   How is my rental income paid?

                                                        There is no guaranteed return o ered at Twinpalms Residences MontAzure as is typical with luxury real                                                                  The rental income will be paid into the owner’s bank account on a six monthly basis in arrears with
                                                        estate o erings. However, it is believed that the potential of a good return is very high considering                                                                  details of the calculation of the payment provided at that time.

                                                        the location and quality of the development as well as the fact that the operator will be a hotel
                                                        group and not the typical asset managers, so they are very experienced in running such a rental                                                                        Can I rent the unit out on my own?
                                                        scheme and driving occupancy.                                                                                                                                          Owners at Twinpalms Residences MontAzure will only be entitled to rent out their units on a short

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               term basis through the appointed operator.
                                                         How much for the utility fees?

                                                        In the case of units who have joined the rental program, the operator will cover the cost of the util-                                                                 How long for the advance notice of my stay?
                                                        ities when the unit is being rented out. In the case of owners who are not part of the rental pro-                                                                     In order to ensure that the owner’s unit is available during the stay it is recommended that at least
                                                        gram, they will be charged on a monthly basis based on actual consumption.  The utility deposit                                                                        6 months notice be given. However, shorter notice will be allowed in which case the owner will be

                                                        is THB 50,000.                                                                                                                                                         allocated another similar unit should his/her unit not be available. In the event that an owner

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               wishes to cancel a booking a minimum of 14 (Fourteen) days notice must be given to the operator.
                                                        What about the management of my unit?                                                                                                                                  Shorter notice will result in those personal use days which were used for the booking being lost.

                                                        The operator will provide a full management service for units which have joined the rental pro-
                                                        gram. In the case of units which are not part of the program an arrangement can be made with                                                                           Can I choose my own furniture?
                                                        the operator to manage the unit.                                                                                                                                       For those owners who elect to join the rental program a standard furniture and hospitality pack-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               age will be made available which must be purchased through the developer. There can be no devia-
                                                        How much notice must be given to join or leave the rental program?                                                                                                     tion from this package and the price is not included in the unit price. In the case of owners who do

                                                        If a buyer chooses to join the rental program at the time of purchasing the unit it is bound to                                                                        not join the rental program they will be entitled to furnish their property as they choose. However,
                                                        remain in the program for 15 years. However, any unit which is not included at the time of pur-                                                                        should such an owner decide to join the rental program in the future the unit would have to
                                                        chase, can join and leave at the discretion of the owner. However, the unit must be included in                                                                        comply with all the requirements of the operator.

                                                        the program by no later than 1 July of that year and must remain for at least one year. Should the
                                                        owner wish to remove the unit from the program at least 6 months written notice must be given                                                                          Can my friends/ family use my owner’s entitlement?

                                                        to the operator.                                                                                                                                                       Friends and family of the owner are entitled to use the unit subject to any terms and conditions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               contained in the agreement between the owner and the operator. Please note that the daily rate
                                                        Will I be entitled to any special privileges at Twimpalms?                                                                                                             for maid service and to refresh the room will apply.

                                                        Each owner who joins the rental program will be issued with a Twinpalms Privilege Card which is
                                                        renewable each year. This card will entitle the owner to various discounts at Twinpalms outlets the
                                                        details of which will be updated from time to time. Each unit will be issued with only one card and if

                                                        the card is lost a fee will be charged for its replacement.

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