Page 44 - Because I know, I can let go
P. 44
Losing out or breaking even doesn’t make us stop seeking, stop doing crazy things, because
we’ll always think that we can improve, hence we’ll carry on as before. Getting all we can
get won’t make us stop either, because the desire to get more will still be there.
These first three forms of perception have the same basic characteristic, that is, they
keep us moving, they don’t make us stop, don’t let us be free, don’t allow us to escape
from the domination of ignorance, so we spin around in the saṇsāra and don’t make any
real attempt to attain nibbāna. The last, the fourth form of perception, is the opposite in
meaning, while the first three are the product of ignorance, the last is a product of wisdom.
When there’s wisdom there must be knowledge of what is what, of what binds us to a
certain form of behaviour, hence we come to recognize that getting, losing, and breaking
even are the things that bind, and that we now need to avoid forming any connection
with those, while also recognizing that what we should form a connection with is that
which will destroy them.
In this world there are only these two matters: falling under the influence and power of the
things which bind, and escaping from them. We should try to see which category we fit
into. If we still have the feeling in the mind of not being free, then we’re still bound. Mostly
that comes from avijjā, from ignorance, and the infatuation it causes, which then brings
the influence of lobha, greed, koda, anger, and moha, delusion into our everyday lives.
44 Because I Know...