Page 26 - IGUS Bearing
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Application examples: iglidur                         ®

        Tech up ... Cost down                                                                                                                                                         Automated guided vehicle system
        For years the igus  motto has been motion plastics  - high-performance polymers for motion. By this we mean the                                                               iglidur  Z plain bearings are used in the control arms of the
        production of innovative plastic products which reduce maintenance work, achieve technical improvements, at the same                                                          autonomous transport vehicles. The bearings ensure that
        time as reducing costs and increasing service life, everything delivered immediately from stock. Our references from the                                                      the weight of the robot and its load are distributed evenly.
        practice show the proven employment from iglidur  plain bearings in a wide variety of applications.                                                                           They transmit the axial forces exerted on the suspension
                                                                                                                                                                                      bolts and ensure that the entire mechanism moves easily.
                                                                                                                                                                                      (Etisoft Smart Solutions)

          Track vehicle
          Despite extensive sealing, dirt still sometimes reaches                                                                Solar steam system saves CO
          the bearing points. If the bearings then get stuck, the                                                                With iglidur  plain bearings made of the material J UV,
          chain could, in the worst case, wear out. To prevent that,                                                             the ideal solution was found for the approximately
          the vehicle manufacturers use igutex  TX1 plain bearing                                                                1,000 bearing points in each plant. The material
          bushes on the four oscillating axles and the tensioning                                                                was specially developed for use in UV radiation and
          axle. igus  manufactured the bushes specifically for                                                                   is durable, reliable and maintenance-free even in
          Kässbohrer  Geländefahrzeug  AG  in  unprecedented                                                                     sunlight.
          dimensions and tested them.                                                                                            (ECOTHERM)
          (Kässbohrer Geländefahrzeug AG)

                                                                                                                                                                                      Plain bearings in farm loaders
                                                                   Oscillating axles for heavy load transport                                                                             ®
                                                                   The use of iglidur  G plain bearings as well as igutex  TX1                                                        igus  plain bearings do not require additional lubrication
                                                                   thrust washers made the use of additional lubricants                                                               or sealing, which makes cleaning the unit easier. They
                                                                   unnecessary and reduced maintenance and servicing to                                                               are extremely robust and perfectly suited for diverse and
                                                                   a minimum.                                                                                                         fluctuating environmental conditions. At the same time,
                                                                   (Demarko)                                                                                                          the high loads are reduced by the vibration-damping
                                                                                                                                                                                      properties of the bearings.

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