Page 558 - IGUS Bearing
P. 558

iglidur  F2                                                                                                                                                                                                              iglidur  F2
         +120°C                                                                                                                                                                                                                   +120°C
          47MPa                                                                                                                                                                                                                   47MPa
                      Bearing technology | Plain bearings | iglidur  F2                                                             Technical data
          Permissible surface speeds                          Chemicals                        Resistance                             100.0                                                0.5
          The maximum permitted surface speeds are based on the   Alcohols                         +                                   10.0                                                0.4
          operation period and the type of motion. A plain bearing is   Diluted acids              0                                                                                       0.3
          the most stressed in long-term rotating motions. Here, the   Diluted alkalines            –                                   1.0
          maximum speed for iglidur  F2 plain bearings is 0.8m/s. In   Fuels                       +                                                                                       0.2
          practice, though, this level is rarely reached due to varying   Greases, oils without additives  +                         Surface pressure [MPa]  0.1                        Coefficient of friction [µ]  0.1
          application conditions.                             Hydrocarbons                          –
          Surface speed, page 48                              Strong acids                          –                                  0.01  0.001   0.01     0.1      1.0      10.0       0.0  0     10     20      30     40     50
                                                              Strong alkalines                      –
          Temperature                                                                                                                 Surface speed [m/s]                                Load [MPa]
          The ambient temperatures strongly influence the properties    All data given at room temperature [+20°C]                  Diagram 01: Permissible pv values for iglidur  F2 plain   Diagram 05: Coefficient of friction as a function of the
          of plain bearings. With increasing temperatures, the   Table 02: Chemical resistance                                      bearing with a wall thickness of 1mm dry operation against    pressure, v = 0.01m/s
                                                             Chemical table, page 1170
          compressive strength of iglidur  F2 plain bearings                                                                        a steel shaft at +20°C, mounted in a steel housing
          decreases. Diagram 02 shows this inverse relationship.               Rotating Oscillating   linear
          For temperatures over +70°C an additional securing is   Long-term  m/s  0.8       0.7        3.0                              70                                                 12
          required.                                           Short-term  m/s     1.4       1.1        5.0                              60                                                 10
          Application temperatures, page 53                                                                                             50
          Additional securing, page 53                       Table 03: Maximum surface speeds                                           40                                                  8
                                                                                   Dry    Greases Oil  Water                            30                                                             Free cutting steel   Cf53, hard chromed  HR carbon steel  304 stainless steel  High grade steel
          Friction and wear                                   Coefficient of friction μ 0.16-0.22  0.01  0.05  0.03                     20                                                  4     H.a. aluminium
          Coefficient of friction and wear resistance are dependent   Table 04: Coefficient of friction against steel (Ra = 1μm,        10                                              Wear [µm/km]  2     Cf53 steel
          on the application parameters (diagrams 04 and 05).                                                                        Load [MPa]  0                                          0
          Coefficient of friction and surfaces, page 51      50HRC)                                                                        20      40     60     80      100    120
          Wear resistance, page 54                                                                                                    Temperature [°C]
                                                                          Housing   Plain bearings   Shaft
                                                              Ø d1 [mm]   H7 [mm]     E10 [mm]     h9 [mm]                          Diagram 02: Maximum recommended surface pressure as a   Diagram 06: Wear, rotating with different shaft materials,
          Shaft materials                                     0-3       +0.000 +0.010 +0.014 +0.054 -0.025 +0.000                   function of temperature (47MPa at +20°C)           pressure, p = 1MPa, v = 0.3m/s
          Diagram 06 shows a summary of the results of tests with   > 3-6  +0.000 +0.012 +0.020 +0.068 -0.030 +0.000
          different shaft materials executed with plain bearings made   > 6-10  +0.000 +0.015 +0.025 +0.083 -0.036 +0.000                7                                                 500
          of iglidur  F2. In the lower region of the load, free cutting   > 10-18  +0.000 +0.018 +0.032 +0.102 -0.043 +0.000             6                                                            rotating
          steel and hard-anodised aluminium shafts, as well as HR   > 18-30  +0.000 +0.021 +0.040 +0.124 -0.052 +0.000                   5       +23°C                                     400
          carbon steel and hard-chromed steel shafts prove to be   > 30-50  +0.000 +0.025 +0.050 +0.150 -0.062 +0.000                    4       +60°C                                     300
          the most favourable in rotating applications with iglidur  F2    > 50-80  +0.000 +0.030 +0.060 +0.180 -0.074 +0.000            3                                                 200
          plain bearings with respect to wear. Diagram 07 shows   > 80-120  +0.000 +0.035 +0.072 +0.212 -0.087 +0.000                    2
          significantly less wear in rotation compared to pivoting   > 120-180  +0.000 +0.040 +0.085 +0.245 -0.100 +0.000            Deformation [%]  1                                 Wear [µm/km]  100
          movements over the entire load range.                                                                                          0                                                  0
          Shaft materials, page 56                           Table 05: Important tolerances for plain bearings according                   0            15          30          45             5        10       20       30       40
                                                             to ISO 3547-1 after press-fit
                                                                                                                                      Load [MPa]                                         Load [MPa]
          Installation tolerances                                                                                                   Diagram 03: Deformation under pressure and temperature  Diagram 07: Wear for oscillating and rotating applications
          iglidur  F2 plain bearings are standard bearings for                                                                                                                         with shaft material Cf53 hardened and ground steel, as a
          shafts with h-tolerance (recommended minimum h9). The                                                                                                                        function of the load
          bearings are designed for press-fit into a housing machined                                                                   0.6
          to a H7 tolerance. After being assembled into a nominal                                                                       0.5
                                                                                                                                     Coefficient of friction [µ]  0.2
          size housing, the inner diameter automatically adjusts to                                                                     0.4
          the E10 tolerances.                                                                                                           0.3
          Testing methods, page 61

                                                                                                                                      Surface speed [m/s]  0.3  0.4  0.5  0.6   0.7
                                                                                                                 ASEAN 09/2023   ASEAN 09/2023  surface speed, p = 1MPa
                                                                                                                                    Diagram 04: Coefficient of friction as a function of the

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