Page 22 - IGUS Linear
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Fit and forget

        For all tasks - the appropriate solution in any batch size from stock                                                                                                         Drilling system
        Different industries need different solutions. From mechanical engineering, automotive assembly or medical technology, to                                                     Amrikart, a Canadian company, is developing a linear guide
        the robotics industry - igus  offers customised solutions for specific applications. igus  possesses many years of experience                                                 system for positioning drills in aircraft construction. That
        in most branches of industry and has competent specialists that can be contacted when necessary. If your industry is not                                                      is why the engineers are using drylin  T guide rails and
        listed, please let us know. We're here to help.                                                                                                                               carriages (TS-01 and TW-01-15-HKA). The components
                                                                                                                                                                                      are lightweight and compact, but can be set precisely with
        Go online and find solutions for almost every branch of industry                                                                                                              high repeatability.

        High-pressure cleaner for municipal vehicles                                                                             Offshore robot
        Cleaning using water under high pressure and whipping up                                                                 When the surface of ships and offshore platforms
        dirt poses enormous challenges. To meet this challenge,                                                                  are cleaned, large quantities of harmful substances
        the German company Fiedler Maschinenbau und                                                                              normally end up in the oceans. With Remotion's
        Technikvertrieb GmbH has developed the FSB 1.500 / 2.600                                                                 solution, this is avoided: the material residues are
        double spray boom, which is mounted in front of the vehicle                                                              collected directly by vacuum extraction and fed into
        which is equipped with side nozzles, a middle section, and                                                               a filter system. The components of such a system
        electronically switchable high-pressure underfloor nozzles for                                                           have to withstand high water pressure, salt water
        cleaning surfaces with high water pressure. The engineers                                                                and contamination from abrasive particles. Remotion
        use a drylin  W double rail WS and drylin  W pillow block                                                                was able to solve the numerous problems with igus
        for the telescopic function. It is used by municipalities and                                                            components. All components, such as the toothed
        municipal service providers to clean dirty streets, pavements                                                            belt axis, the linear rail or the bearings, convinced with
        and squares.
                                                                                                                                 their low maintenance requirements and low weight.

                                                                   Filling systems for reaction vessels
                                                                   The vessels are transported via a vibrating conveyor
                                                                   and brought to a pick-up position. Grippers from the                                                               Refrigerated counter closure system
                                                                   top remove vessels one by one and bring them to a                                                                  An automatic closure system for refrigerated counters
                                                                   pump unit for filling before they are brought for sealing.                                                         is being built by the Italian company Cisaplast. For the
                                                                   After closing, the gripper opens and the vessel drops                                                              door movement guides, the experts use drylin  stepper
                                                                   gently into the practical pedestal box. The drylin                                                                 motors and dryspin  flanged lead screw nuts made of the
                                                                   lead screw drives are used for feed mechanisms and                                                                 high-performance polymer iglidur  J. The components
                                                                   linear movements. For this, the customer combines                                                                  work without external lubricants, are maintenance-free,
                                                                   an iglidur  W300 trapezoidal lead screw nut with a                                                                 lightweight, cost-effective and durable.
                                                                   rolled trapezoidal lead screw made from (stainless
                                                                   steel) AISI 304.

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