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Most boarding schools have professional staff ready to take care and support
students. Each student usually has a personal advisors providing consultation and monitoring
their academic progress while each student dormitory is provided with dormitory teachers, staff,
or even housekeepers who will take care and ensure students’ wellbeing during their stay.
In general, schools abroad do offer health services. While some schools may
have clinics on the school’s property with doctors and nurses positioned on temporary or
permanent basis in order to properly care for sick students or provide health advice.
For non-native English-speaking students, most schools will provide learning
assistance in both English language and other subjects. Some schools even offer English
preparation courses for students to be ready to study in an English-speaking classroom.
Some schools do provide extra-courses teaching multiple subjects after school, requiring
international students to attend in order to complete assignments/homework and follow
up what they miss in the class. These assistance and support are provided to ensure the
equal opportunity for international students to successfully perform in class and happily
study in schools similarly to the native students.
Every international student will be equally treated equally similarly to local
students regarding education and other aspects. This is to ensure international students
9.+3,)+*/#)2&!'3:)"' are continually protected in terms of social, emotional, and intellectual needs of individual
so that students will be able to participate and access to all school facilities and support
Australian and the United Kingdom law states that students under 18 such as staying at a safe accommodation, consuming healthy and nutritious food, receiving
years old must have a guardian living in that particular country. In case students complete and accurate information before making a decision as well as having the right
have no relatives in that country, students could consult a private agency to seek an to make a complaint.
authorised guardian who will be responsible for representing students’ parents,
contacting the school, and closely supervising students while studying abroad.
Guardian’s job also includes finding host families for students to stay during the
school break and ensuring the safe and appropriate accommodation for students.
Most schools provide a student support system : supervising students’
academic progress and their well-being and providing other forms of support. This
means that when students confront any problem and need advice or someone to
talk to, they can always reach out to the school to have their problem solved.