P. 58
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] Important cities: M anchester / L iv erpool Important cities: D urham, New castle, and Sunderland
There is a cultural and historical touch of the old This area has a historical significance which could
remaining industrial cities. This region has unique art be seen from many thousand-year-old castles and
and architecture, while, most importantly for sports cathedrals around the region, including important
fans, these two cities are famous for their football sport places that have been selected by UNESCO as a
to the whole world. World Heritage Site. Moreover, this area is also known
for being an area that highly sustains its naturalness,
including the sea, mountains, and forests.
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.0'%0#61'$% Important cities: Nottingham, D erby, and L eicester
Important cities: Sheffi eld / York / L eads The Eastern Central region covers the central area of
In the ancient times (almost 2000 years ago) primitive the country which is known as the Midlands. The region
communities lived in this area, today there is still has both lively-atmosphere areas a peaceful beautiful
evidence of these historic communities. traditional English countryside areas.
3'(.%6/,+*),(% Important cities: Cambridge, Essex , and Colchester
Important cities: Birmingham, Cov entry, and Stratford The East of England has finely retained its past urban
This area is one of the two regions in the United Kingdom atmosphere. It is a very peaceful and private region
that do not have coastlines. The geographical features where its southern part is residential areas for London
in this region also vary, ranging from densely populated commuters, which is just an hour’s drive to London,
areas to sparsely populated areas in the western county easy to travel both by bus and train.
bordering Wales.
A capital and perimeter with high growth rate, and
has the second-largest population after the country’s ("#.0%'*(.%')7+*),
Southeast region. This is one of two regions in the United Important cities: O x ford, Surrey, K ent, and G uildford
that do not have coastlines. South East England is an area with high growth, its
economy is the second-largest in the UK after London
with the highest population in the country. The area
covers both well-preserved beautiful traditional towns
("#.0%3'(.%')7+*),% and new modern cities. The region is home to the
Important cities: Bristol, Bournemouth, and Bath national dish like Fish & Chips.
Located in the south of England, the longest coast lies
truly attract a large number of tourists to visit each year.
Most of this region borders the Atlantic Ocean with some
of its parts adjacent to Wales. The area is famous for
producing a wide range of foods such as Cheddar cheese,
Cream tea, and Cider.