Page 37 - ASEAN Chainflex Catalogue 2023
P. 37
Testing, testing, testing ...
specific tests for specific
Over 25 years of testing experience in the chainflex laboratory
The chainflex laboratory specialises in tests which, A further consequence of our intensive research and
apart from just theoretical procedures, also investigate laboratory activities is the development of standard
real applications as they would occur in the real world tests and production standards for chainflex cables
of mechanical and production engineering. For more for long-term use in e-chains .
than 25 years, specific data has been collected in the
largest test laboratory for moving cables, which is In principle, there are five main focus areas:
indispensable for determining service life and function.
On a laboratory floor area of 3,800 m², 700 tests are 1. Tests of materials
currently running in parallel, which help to constantly In line with customer requirements, new materials The chainflex cables must also prove
monitor and improve the interplay of e-chains and for the conductors, insulation and outer jackets are 3. Quality tests during production themselves in real applications under
cables in dynamic applications. The combination of developed. Differences arise that are significant but After production, a random number of cables are extreme conditions
e-chains and chainflex cables on the one hand, and not obvious, particularly in the case of conductor subjected to the VDE or UL standard tests, as well as
of e-chains and other cables that are sold as "chain- and jacket materials. To this end, up to eight different other special igus tests according to certain selection
compatible" by a large number of cable providers on the chainflex standards are used in the tests. criteria. The laboratory batch tests up to 20% of all 5. Customer-specific applications
market on the other. However, it is here that questions finished cables in a continuous bending test and then A special service is offered for customer-specific tests
arise for the customer as to the extent to which these 2. Tests of the technical design carries out the necessary structural examinations according to the igus standard. This type of test is
cables are actually suitable for use in energy chains These tests systematically evaluate new designs, afterwards. based on the customer-specific movement sequences
and what is the expected service life. The conventional manufacturing methods and the associated influences and offers the significant advantage of test-defined
standard tests give generalised answers to generalised on service life. As the studies have shown, tiny 4. Long-time tests of service life limits and the potential for optimisation before the start
questions. The customer, however, wants a concrete differences in manufacturing processes can lead to These tests have to be carried out over a period of up of mass production.
answer and solution for their specific problem, which significantly different outcomes in moving applications. to 5 years and investigate the actual maximum service
is often not, or only partially, addressed by the normal life of the selected cables. The focus here is on a
standards. It is precisely these individual customer continuous monitoring of the electrical and mechanical
requirements that the igus laboratory devotes itself to. parameters in order to detect a failure.
Linear chain tests of all chainflex cables with Rotary movement tests in very demanding chain Test for complex movements by simulating multi-axis
different radii and travels applications using igus twisterchain ® applications on robots
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