Page 866 - ASEAN Chainflex Catalogue 2023
P. 866

i.Sense       smart plastics | i.Sense in a packaging machine                                                             smart plastics | i.Sense in a packaging machine                                                 i.Sense

        i.Sense protects a modern

        packaging machine ...

                                                              Challenge                                                          The solution
                                                              Sliced, packaged bread is an everyday product for many             For energy chains, cables and plain bearing products, igus
                                                              households. But it takes rather complex technology to make         has developed a product family in which sensors make
                                                              it that way. The bread must be carefully cut and securely          plastic components intelligent. It is called smart plastics. The
                                                              packaged and sealed. GHD Georg Hartmann Maschinenbau               principle is simple: intelligent sensors record the status of the
                                                              is one of the world's leading manufacturers of systems for         components involved and report it to the i.Cee module, which
                                                              slicing and packaging foodstuffs. These operations require         passes the data on – to the cloud, for example. igus  uses
                                                              speed as well as precision.                                        the CF.Q module for cable monitoring to avoid cable damage
                                                                                                                                 in such applications like the GHD Hartmann bread packaging
                                                              Cutting-edge machines, such as the GBK 440, package up             machine.
                                                              to 80 pieces of sliced bread per minute – less than a second
                                                              for each. So it works with high strokes in a relatively small      The principle of the monitoring system is as follows: it assumes
                                                              installation space. In particular, the energy chains with cables for   that two cables from a production batch behave in the same
                                                              energy supply, control and measurement are heavily stressed        way when stressed and should therefore also approach their
                                                              by the rapid movements. So all cables must be optimised for        breaking point at the same time. So a second, identical cable
                                                              a minimum bend radius of just 63 millimetres. This places high     is added to the measuring cable. The system continuously
                                                              demands on cable quality. Unfortunately, cable damage cannot       monitors the two additional cores. The device measures push/
                                                              be avoided entirely. They result in costly downtime, since the     pull forces and detects the beginning of a damage very early
                                                              high throughput quickly adds up to large production backlogs.      by the changes in the electrical properties.

                                                              So GHD wanted a warning system that would detect failures          For this, igus  has collected a large amount of data from load
                                                              in advance so that they could be prevented. It commissioned        tests and historical data from various application scenarios
                                                              igus   GmbH, a manufacturer of lubrication-free high-              which are used to generate a comparative value for forecasting.
                                                              performance plastics and fail-safe energy supply systems, to       The software can therefore predict just how many more work
                                                              implement the system.                                              cycles a chain can handle without failure. The process data
                                                                                                                                 collected at the same time makes it possible to predict the
                                                                                                                                 remaining number of working days the chain has, so that    The result
                                                                                                                                 companies can precisely plan maintenance and replacement.   The igus  CF.Q system is an integral part of the GBK 440
                                                                                                                                                                                      packaging machine. It allows the interval between
                                                                                                                                                                                      maintenance sessions to be greatly extended. All data
                                                                                                                                                                                      is evaluated in the customer control system and output
                                                                                                                                                                Stop!                 as notifications on the Human Machine Interface (HMI).

                                                                                                                                                                                      This concept allows cables to operate far beyond the
        CF.Q - cable quality monitoring                                                                                                                                               igus  guarantee period. The user company thus saves
        ●  Measures the push/pull forces acting on the e-chain ®                                                                                                                      several thousand euros in maintenance costs each
        ●  Recommends shutdown of the equipment if a force limit                                                                                                                      year. The i.Sense CF.Q's modern technology detects
           is exceeded                                                                                                                                                                core ruptures before they occur, saving the user high
        ●  Prevents failure                                                                                                                                                           downtime costs.

                                                                                                                    ASEAN2023  ASEAN2023

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