P. 33


                      ... and cost-eff ective                             Plastic-steel hybrid
                      e-chains ®  with crossbars every 2nd link e-tubes  e-chains ®  with crossbars every 2nd link
                      E4/light | Openable      E4/light | Openable     YE | Openable

                             For almost any application, the   Fully enclosed design. Lids   The best mix of lightweight
                        56-86  standard. Crossbars removable   openable along the outer radius,   42-56  polymer and tough steel for large
                             along the inner and outer radius.  from one side. Shelves can be   unsupported lengths. Crossbars
                                                      removed from the inner radius.  removable.
                               From page 710           From page 710            From page 772
                         Corrugated tube cleanroom energy supply systems, cleanroom suitable
                      e-skin ®  cleanroom corrugated tube  e-skin ®  cleanroom corrugated tube  e-skin ®  cleanroom corrugated tube
                      SK | Openable            SKS soft | Openable     SKY hybrid | Openable

                             e-skin ®  SK for longer unsupported   e-skin ®  soft SKS with more elastic   e-skin ®  hybrid SKY combines the
                        28-38  lengths. "Zipper" function. IPA   20-40  material and lower installation   28-38  advantages of e-skin ®  SK and
                             cleanroom Class 1.       height. "Zipper" function. IPA   e-skin ®  soft SKF. "Zipper" function.
                                                      cleanroom Class 1.      IPA cleanroom Class 1.
                               From page 812           From page 812            From page 812
                      ... low abrasion, cleanroom suitable   Small, dynamic and cleanroom suitable
                      e-tubes                  e-chains ®              T-band e-chain ®
                      R6 | Openable            E3 | Openable           T3 | Openable

                             Low noise - 37dB(A), low   Low noise - 38dB(A). Crossbars   Smooth running "T-band",
                        28-52  vibration, cleanroom suitable.   on a strip. Zip-open along the outer   29  quiet, cost-effective. Crossbars
                             Lids removable along the inner   radius.         removable along the inner and
                             and outer radius.                                outer radius.
                               From page 870           From page 916            From page 934

                               3D CAD, confi gurators, service life calculation and more  31

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