P. 38
Product overview
autoglide self-guiding e-chain ®
Self-guiding e-chain ® Self-guiding e-chain ® Self-guiding e-chain ®
autoglide 5 | Openable autoglide E2/000AG | Openable autoglide E4.1AG | Openable
Installed in one hour. The alternative Crossbars openable along the inner Crossbars openable along the inner
25-35 to busbar systems. Travels safely 25-35 radius fi tted with moulded autoglide 32-56 radius fi tted with moulded autoglide
on a PVC-jacketed steel cable. grooves. Openable along the inner grooves. Crossbars removable
radius, from both sides. along the inner and outer radius.
From page 1266 From page 1276 From page 1282
Steel guide troughs Other igus guide trough systems ...
For easy support of the lower run For easy support of the lower run Energy supply for cranes girders and indoor cranes
Steel support tray Aluminium support tray guidefast
80-306 Steel support tray kit for support of 41-73 The flexible construction kit to 42.5-120 Economical energy supply for
the lower run, cost-eff ective, one support the lower run - aluminium crane girders and indoor cranes,
piece. Complete system, ready to support tray. Seawater-resistant fast installation.
install. aluminium profi le.
From page 1356 From page 1362 From page 1368
chainfi x strain relief ...
Installation profi le For C-profi les For C-profi les
C-profi les | 92.42 | 92.52 Clamps | CFX Clamps | CFXL
C-profi le - Part No. 92.42 as standard (can be Standard clamps with standard base. Suitable Clamps with wide base for increased holding
integrated into KMA); Part No. 92.52 for increased for C-profi le 92.42.XXX - can be integrated into force. Suitable for C-profi le 92.52.XX, C-profi le
holding force (mounting in front of e-chain ® ). KMA with C-profi le option. Galvanised steel or always assembled in front of the e-chain. Cannot
stainless steel (material 1.4301). be integrated into KMA.
From page 1406 From page 1410 From page 1411
36 Find the perfect e-chain quickly nder
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