P. 37
Solutions for horizontal motion ...
Upper run guide Enclosed guide e-chains ® in aluminium profi les
guidelok | Horizontal basic fl izz ® micro fl izz ®
Upper run guide for long travels, Cost-eff ective, enclosed solution Unsupported e-chains ® in
50 unsupported in swarf areas. Up to 100 for long travels. Protection against 30-100 aluminium profi les. Reliably supply
Travel distance ≤ [m] 50m possible. Travel distance ≤ [m] weather and dirt exposure. Travel distance ≤ [m] long travels using the smallest
Available as HD version. e-chains ® .
From Page 1168 From page 1174 From page 1182
... Heavy-duty e-chains for long travels ...
Engineering service e-chain ® with crossbars every link e-tubes
Modular projects E4/4HD | Openable R4/4HD | Openable
Special solutions from stock. Faster project For very heavy fill weights, Heavy-duty, especially for heavy fill
planning, detailed service manuals and 56-80 crossbars removable along the weights. Lids openable along the outer
documentation, time and cost savings. inner and outer radius. radius, from one side. Shelves can be
removed from the inner radius.
From page 1208 From page 1214 From page 1214
... normal and heavy-duty design ... E2/000 rol e-chains ®
e-tubes Heavy-duty e-chains ® with crossbars every link e-chains ®
R4/4 rol e-tube | Openable E4/4 HD rol e-chain | Openable E2/000 rol e-chain | Openable
Rolling instead of gliding, fully Rolling instead of gliding. Heavy- For travel lengths up to 150m,
enclosed. Lids openable along the 56-80 duty, for very long travels with energy effi cient and cost-eff ective.
32-80 35-45
outer radius, from one side. very heavy fi ll weights. Crossbars Crossbars openable along the
removable. outer radius, from both sides.
From page 1242 From page 1242 From page 1258
3D CAD, confi gurators, service life calculation and more 35
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