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P. 87

Pardthaisong, L. 2023. “Ageing and Long Term Care: What Can Thailand Learn from Japan?”.
                 Paper presented at the the SEAGA 2023 Conference on “Recontextualising Sustainability

                 – People, Places and the Environment”, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University,
                 Bangkok, 27-30 June.
            Pardthaisong-Chaipanich, L. 2003. “Ageing in Chiang Mai”. Paper presented at the

                 International Workshop on “Local Initiatives in Social Development and Human Security”,
                 co-organised by Keio University, Japan and Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai
                 University. December  5th-7th. Chiang Mai, Thailand.

            Pardthaisong-Chaipanich, L. 2004. “The Security of Ageing in the Era of AIDS in Rural
                 Chiang Mai”. Paper presented at the 2nd International Workshop on “Human Security
                 and Local Development in Asia”, co-organised by Keio University, Japan and Hanoi

                 University of Technology, Vietnam. November 26th – 28th. Hanoi, Vietnam.
            Pardthaisong-Chaipanich, L. 2010. “Ageing Security: A Comparison between Thailand and

                 Japan”. Research report submitted to the Sumitomo Foundation, Japan.
            Skinner, M. W., Cloutier, D., and Andrews, G. J. (2014) “Geographies of Ageing: Progress and
                 Possibilities after Two Decades of Change”. Progress in Human Geography 39 (6): 1-24.

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