Page 439 - Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
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Article 13.4: Cooperation    (d)    upon  request,  coordination  in  enforcement  actions
                                     between or among Parties in relation to the same or related
 The Parties recognise the importance of cooperation between or among   anti-competitive activities.
 their respective competition authorities to promote effective competition
 law  enforcement.    To  this  end,  the  Parties  may  cooperate  on  issues
 relating  to  competition  law  enforcement,  through  their  respective   Article 13.5: Confidentiality of Information
 competition  authorities,  in  a  manner  compatible  with  their  respective
 laws,  regulations,  and  important  interests,  and  within  their  respective   1.   This  Chapter  shall  not  require  the  sharing  of  information  by  a
 available resources.  The form of such cooperation may include:   Party,  which  is  contrary  to  that  Party’s  laws,  regulations,  and
                              important interests.
 (a)   notification by a Party to another Party of its competition
 law  enforcement  activities  that  it  considers  may   2.   Where  a  Party  requests  confidential  information  under  this
 substantially  affect  the  important  interests  of  the  other   Chapter, the requesting Party shall notify the requested Party of:
 Party, as promptly as reasonably possible;
                              (a)    the purpose of the request;
 (b)   upon  request,  discussion  between  or  among  Parties  to
 address  any  matter  relating  to  competition  law   (b)   the intended use of the requested information; and
 enforcement  that  substantially  affects  the  important
 interest of the requesting Party;   (c)   any laws or regulations of the requesting Party that may
                                     affect the confidentiality of information or require the use of
 (c)   upon request, exchange of information between or among   the  information  for  purposes  not  agreed  upon  by  the
 Parties  to  foster  understanding  or  to  facilitate  effective   requested Party.
 competition law enforcement; and
                       3.     The sharing of confidential information between any of the Parties
                              and  the  use  of  such  information  shall  be  based  on  terms  and
                              conditions agreed by the Parties concerned.

                       4.     If  information  shared  under  this  Chapter  is  shared  on  a
 4  This Article is subject to:   confidential  basis,  then,  except  to  comply  with  its  laws  and
                              regulations, the Party receiving the information shall:
 (a)   Annex 13A (Application of Article 13.3 (Appropriate Measures against
 Anti-Competitive Activities) and Article 13.4 (Cooperation) to Brunei
 Darussalam);                 (a)    maintain the confidentiality of the information received;

 (b)   Annex 13B (Application of Article 13.3 (Appropriate Measures against   (b)   use the information received only for the purpose disclosed
 Anti-Competitive  Activities)  and  Article  13.4  (Cooperation)  to
 Cambodia);                          at the time of the request, unless otherwise authorised by
                                     the Party providing the information;
 (c)   Annex 13C (Application of Article 13.3 (Appropriate Measures against
 Anti-Competitive  Activities)  and  Article  13.4  (Cooperation)  to  Lao   (c)   not use the information received as evidence in criminal
 PDR); and                           proceedings carried out by a court or a judge unless, on
                                     request  of  the  Party  receiving  the  information,  such
 (d)   Annex 13D (Application of Article 13.3 (Appropriate Measures against
 Anti-Competitive  Activities)  and  Article  13.4  (Cooperation)  to   information  was  provided  for  such  use  in  criminal
 Myanmar).                           proceedings  through  diplomatic  channels  or  other
                                     channels  established  in  accordance  with  the  laws  and
 5   In  the  case  of  notification  to  the  competition  authority  of  Japan  pursuant  to  this   regulations of the Parties concerned;
 subparagraph, the notification should be confirmed in writing through the diplomatic
 channel.    Such  confirmation  should  be  made  as  promptly  as  possible  after  the
 communication concerned among the competition authorities of the Parties concerned.

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