Page 441 - Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
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(d) not disclose the information received to any other authority, 4. The Parties may cooperate on matters of mutual interest related
entity, or person not authorised by the Party providing the to consumer protection. Such cooperation shall be carried out in
information; and a manner compatible with the Parties’ respective laws and
regulations and within their available resources.
(e) comply with any other conditions required by the Party
providing the information.
Article 13.8: Consultations
Article 13.6: Technical Cooperation and Capacity Building In order to foster understanding between the Parties, or to address
specific matters that arise under this Chapter, on request of a Party, the
The Parties agree that it is in their common interest to work together, requested Party shall enter into consultations with the requesting Party.
multilaterally or bilaterally, on technical cooperation activities to build In its request, the requesting Party shall indicate, if relevant, how the
necessary capacities to strengthen competition policy development and matter affects its important interests, including trade or investment
competition law enforcement, taking into account the availability of between the Parties concerned. The requested Party shall accord full
resources of the Parties. Technical cooperation activities may include: and sympathetic consideration to the concerns of the requesting Party.
(a) sharing of relevant experiences and non-confidential
information on the development and implementation of Article 13.9: Non-Application of Dispute Settlement
competition law and policy;
No Party shall have recourse to dispute settlement under Chapter 19
(b) the exchange of consultants and experts on competition (Dispute Settlement) for any matter arising under this Chapter.
law and policy;
(c) the exchange of officials of competition authorities for
training purposes;
(d) participation of officials of competition authorities in
advocacy programmes; and
(e) other activities as agreed by the Parties.
Article 13.7 Consumer Protection
1. The Parties recognise the importance of consumer protection law
and the enforcement of such law as well as cooperation among
the Parties on matters related to consumer protection in order to
achieve the objectives of this Chapter.
2. Each Party shall adopt or maintain laws or regulations to
proscribe the use in trade of misleading practices, or false or
misleading descriptions.
3. Each Party also recognises the importance of improving
awareness of, and access to, consumer redress mechanisms.
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