Page 437 - Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
P. 437

Article  13.3:  Appropriate  Measures  against  Anti-Competitive   administration of such laws and regulations, except for internal
 Activities                   operating procedures.

 1.   Each  Party  shall  adopt  or  maintain  competition  laws  and   7.   Each Party shall make public the grounds for any final decision or
 regulations  to  proscribe  anti-competitive  activities ,  and  shall   order to impose a sanction or remedy under its competition laws
 enforce those laws and regulations accordingly.   and regulations, and any appeal therefrom, subject to:

 2.   Each Party shall establish or maintain an authority or authorities   (a)   (i)   its laws and regulations;
 to effectively implement its competition laws and regulations.
                                     (ii)   its need to safeguard confidential information; or
 3.   Each Party shall ensure independence in decision making by its
 authority  or  authorities  in  relation  to  the  enforcement  of  its   (iii)   its  need  to  safeguard  information  on  grounds  of
 competition laws and regulations.          public policy or public interest; and

 4.   Each  Party  shall  apply  and  enforce  its  competition  laws  and   (b)   redactions from the final decision or order on any of the
 regulations in a manner that does not discriminate on the basis of   grounds referred to in subparagraphs (a)(i) through (iii).
                       8.     Each  Party  shall  ensure  that  before  a  sanction  or  remedy  is
 5.   Each Party shall apply its competition laws and regulations to all   imposed on any person or entity for breaching its competition laws
 entities  engaged  in  commercial  activities,  regardless  of  their   or regulations, such person or entity is given the reasons, which
 ownership.  Any exclusion or exemption from the application of   should be in writing where possible, for the allegations that the
 each  Party’s  competition  laws  and  regulations,  shall  be   Party’s competition laws or regulations have been breached, and
 transparent  and  based  on  grounds  of  public  policy  or  public   a fair opportunity to be heard and to present evidence.
                       9.     Each  Party  shall,  subject  to  any  redactions  necessary  to
 6.   Each Party shall make publicly available its competition laws and   safeguard confidential information, make the grounds for any final
 regulations,  and  any  guidelines  issued  in  relation  to  the   decision  or  order  to  impose  a  sanction  or  remedy  under  its
                              competition  laws  and  regulations,  and  any  appeal  therefrom,
                              available  to  the  person  or  entity  subject  to  that  sanction  or
 1  This Article is subject to:   remedy.

 (a)   Annex 13A (Application of Article 13.3 (Appropriate Measures against   10.   Each Party shall ensure that any person or entity subject to the
 Anti-Competitive Activities) and Article 13.4 (Cooperation) to Brunei   imposition of a sanction or remedy under its competition laws and
 Darussalam);                 regulations  has  access  to  an  independent  review  of  or  appeal

 (b)   Annex 13B (Application of Article 13.3 (Appropriate Measures against   against that sanction or remedy.
 Anti-Competitive  Activities)  and  Article  13.4  (Cooperation)  to
 Cambodia);            11.    Each  Party  recognises  the  importance  of  timeliness  in  the
                              handling of competition cases.
 (c)   Annex 13C (Application of Article 13.3 (Appropriate Measures against
 Anti-Competitive  Activities)  and  Article  13.4  (Cooperation)  to  Lao
 PDR); and

 (d)   Annex 13D (Application of Article 13.3 (Appropriate Measures against
 Anti-Competitive  Activities)  and  Article  13.4  (Cooperation)  to

 2  Examples may include anti-competitive agreements, abuses of a dominant position,
 and anti-competitive mergers and acquisitions.   3  This paragraph shall not apply to a jury verdict in a criminal trial.

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