Page 57 - Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
P. 57

ANNEX 3A                     (a)    RVC40 means that the good must have a regional value
                                     content (hereinafter referred to as “RVC” in this Annex) of
 PRODUCT-SPECIFIC RULES              no less than 40 per cent as calculated under Article 3.5
                                     (Calculation of Regional Value Content);

 Headnotes to the Annex       (b)    CC  means  that  all  non-originating  materials  used  in  the
                                     production of the good have undergone a CTC at the two-
                                     digit level of the Harmonized System;
 1.   Pursuant to Article 3.2 (Originating Goods), this Annex sets out
 the conditions required for a good to be treated as an originating   (c)   CTH means that all non-originating materials used in the
 good.                               production of the good have undergone a CTC at the four-
                                     digit level of the Harmonized System;
 2.   For  greater  certainty,  the  origin  criteria  of  “wholly  obtained  or
 produced in a Party” and “produced in a Party exclusively from   (d)   CTSH means that all non-originating materials used in the
 originating materials from one or more of the Parties”, as provided   production of the good have undergone a CTC at the six-
 in subparagraphs (a) and (b) of Article 3.2 (Originating Goods),   digit level of the Harmonized System;
 apply to all tariff lines.
                              (e)    WO  means  wholly  obtained  or  produced  in  a  Party  as
 3.   For the purposes of interpreting the Product-Specific Rules set   provided  in  Article  3.3  (Goods  Wholly  Obtained  or
 out in this Annex:                  Produced).  For greater certainty, where the rule for a good
                                     is  WO,  the  good  can  still  meet  the  requirements  to  be
 (a)   Section means a section of the Harmonized System;   treated as an originating good by being produced in a Party
                                     exclusively from originating materials from one or more of
 (b)   Chapter means the first two digits of the tariff classification   the Parties in accordance with subparagraph (b) of Article
 number under the Harmonized System;   3.2 (Originating Goods); and

 (c)    heading means the first four digits of the tariff classification   (f)   CR means the chemical reaction rule.  Any good that is a
 number under the Harmonized System; and   product of a chemical reaction shall be considered to be an
                                     originating  good  if  the  chemical  reaction  occurred  in  a
 (d)    subheading  means  the  first  six  digits  of  the  tariff   Party.    A  “chemical  reaction”  is  a  process,  including  a
 classification number under the Harmonized System.   biochemical  process,  which  results  in  a  molecule  with  a
                                     new  structure  by  breaking  intramolecular  bonds  and  by
 4.   Where a good is subject to alternative Product-Specific Rules, the   forming new intramolecular bonds, or by altering the spatial
 rule will be considered to be met if the good satisfies one of the   arrangement of atoms in a molecule.  The following are not
 alternative Product-Specific Rules.   considered to be chemical reactions for the purposes of
                                     this definition:
 5.   A  requirement  of  a  change  in  tariff  classification  (hereinafter
 referred to as “CTC” in this Annex) applies only to non-originating   (i)   dissolving in water or other solvents;
                                     (ii)   the elimination of solvents including solvent water;
 6.   Where the CTC rule expressly excludes a change from other tariff   or
 classifications,  the  exclusion  applies  only  to  non-originating
 materials.                          (iii)   the addition or elimination of water of crystallisation.

 7.   For the purposes of this Annex:    8.   Where a Product-Specific Rule provides a choice of rules from an
                              RVC-based rule of origin, a CTC-based rule of origin, a specific

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