Page 62 - Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
P. 62

HS Code (HS 2012)                                                 Product-
                     Chapter  Heading  Subheading       Product Description             Specific Rule
                                     0304.92  -- Toothfish (Dissostichus spp.)          CC
                                              --  Tilapias  (Oreochromis  spp.),  catfish
                                              (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp.,
                                              Ictalurus  spp.),  carp  (Cyprinus  carpio,

                                     0304.93   Carassius  carassius,  Ctenopharyngodon   CC
                                              idellus,  Hypophthalmichthys  spp.,  Cirrhinus
                                              spp.,   Mylopharyngodon   piceus),   eels
                                              (Anguilla  spp.),  Nile  perch  (Lates  niloticus)
                                              and snakeheads (Channa spp.)
                                     0304.94  -- Alaska Pollack (Theragra chalcogramma)   CC
                                              --  Fish  of  the  families  Bregmacerotidae,
                                              Euclichthyidae,   Gadidae,   Macrouridae,
                                     0304.95  Melanonidae,  Merlucciidae,  Moridae  and  CC
                                              Muraenolepididae, other than Alaska Pollack
                                              (Theragra chalcogramma)
                                     0304.99  -- Other                                  CC
                                              Fish, dried, salted or in brine; smoked fish,
                                              whether or not cooked before or during the
                                              smoking process; flours, meals and pellets of
                                              fish, fit for human consumption
                                              -  Flours,  meals  and  pellets  of  fish,  fit  for
                                     0305.10                                            CTH
                                              human consumption
                                     0305.20   -  Livers  and  roes  of  fish,  dried,  smoked,  CC   or
                                              salted or in brine                        RVC40
                                              - Fish fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but not

                                              --  Tilapias  (Oreochromis  spp.),  catfish
                                              (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp.,
                                              Ictalurus  spp.),  carp  (Cyprinus  carpio,
                                     0305.31   Carassius  carassius,  Ctenopharyngodon   CC
                                              idellus,  Hypophthalmichthys  spp.,  Cirrhinus
                                              spp.,   Mylopharyngodon   piceus),   eels
                                              (Anguilla  spp.),  Nile  perch  (Lates  niloticus)
                                              and snakeheads (Channa spp.)
                                              --  Fish  of  the  families  Bregmacerotidae,
                                              Euclichthyidae,   Gadidae,   Macrouridae,  CC       or
                                              Melanonidae,  Merlucciidae,  Moridae  and  RVC40
                                     0305.39  -- Other                                  CC
                                              -  Smoked  fish,  including  fillets,  other  than

                                              edible fish offal
                                              --  Pacific  salmon  (Oncorhynchus  nerka,   CC     or
                                     0305.41  Oncorhynchus  gorbuscha,  Oncorhynchus    RVC40
                                              keta,    Oncorhynchus      tschawytscha,

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